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Yes, the planes were full of passengers. They were also fully loaded with fuel for cross country flights; chosen for maximum destruction by fire upon impact.

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Q: Were the planes hijacked in 911 full of passengers?
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Were there any survivors on any of the planes hijacked on 911?


On 911 what three cities were the planes hijacked?

Boston, Newark, and D.C. are the locations that the hijacked planes originated from.

Where did the planes from 911 depart from?

D.C., Newark, and Boston are the three cities the hijacked planes left from.

What were the companies of the planes hijacked on 911?

American Airlines and United Airlines.

In 911 how many people lost their lives in the hijacked planes?

The total of lives lost on board the 4 hijacked planes, not including the hijackers, were 246

In 911 what happened to the planes before they crashed?

Each was taken over by 4-5 men. Two took over the cockpit and flew the planes while the others took care of the cabin crew and passengers.

Why did the 911 planes get hijacked?

The planes got hijacked because the terrorists wanted to commit suicide. So they thought that everyone else should die with them too. Lets just say that they were crazy locos with no brains. Before they hijacked the plane they said the Lords prayer.

How did they make the fourth 911 plane abort?

The heroic passengers stormed the cockpit in an effort to regain control of the hijacked airplane.

What happened to all of the planes in 911?

The Twin Towers (official name World Trade Center) - along with the passengers and crews of the two hijacked jets that were used in the attack - were destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001. Simultaneously, AL Qaeda terrorists also attacked the U.S. Pentagon building with another hijacked jet, killing the passengers and crew along with many military and civilian employees at the Pentagon. The terrorists also hijacked a fourth jet which was headed towards Washington, D.C. before passengers fought back, with the jet crashing in rural Pennsylvania, resulting in the deaths of all passengers and crew.

How many airplanes were hijacked on 911?


How many flights were hijacked on 911?


How many childen died in 911?

Eight children ranging in age from 2 to 11 years old died in the 9/11 attacks. All of them were passengers on two of the hijacked planes (five of them were on Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon, the other three were on Flight 175 which hit the south tower of the WTC).