

Were the wise men kings

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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AnswerThe magi written of in Matthew's Gospel were actually priests of the Persian, Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda, and believed that one day the Saoyshant would return, born of a virgin mother. By having the magi want to visit Jesus, the author wanted to demonstrate that even the priests of this great religion would want to worship Jesus. In time, the Zoroastrian connection became less important, and the magi began to be referred to as 'wise men' rather than as priests, and this is the translation used in most English Bibles today. Matthew described the magi as bringing expensive gists that only the wealthy could afford, so a tradition has also grown up around calling them kings.

John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus) calls Matthew's story Christian midrash and says that among people he knows in New Testament circles, the universal assumption is that the magi were not actual people. But if they were actual people, they would have been priests, not kings.

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Their names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar - known collectively as The Magi.(Magi is the plural of Magus -meaning 'wise man' from which we get the word 'magician'.)

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They can be known as the wise men , 3 kings and the magi

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Shepherds saw Him and when He was two or so the wise man or men came to see Him. It says in the beginning of Luke in the Bible

Who are the three kings?

The three kings are the men who have been known to many religions around the world including Christianity and catholic. They were visiters to the baby Jesus upon his birth in Christmas day. The Bible describes these Kings as "wise men" and they were probably men who studied the stars and phrophecy and were able to predict the birth of a new king. The Bible does not say there were 3 kings nor does it name them. It says the Kings or wise men brought 3 expensive gifts. Also, most scholars believe that the wise men did not visit baby Jesus Christ until a year or more later, which means they were not at the manger in Bethlehem. The Bible seems to support this as the wise men are not mentioned in the detailed account of the night Jesus was born, which is in the book of Luke.