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No. There were no buildings of any description when the First Fleet arrived. At most, sick convicts and marines would have been treated in tents until tehj first huts was built. there was just one doctor/surgeon that sailed with the First Fleet.

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Q: Were there any hospitals when the first fleet came?
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Were there any goats on the First Fleet?

There were 19 goats on the First Fleet.

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None of the convicts on the First Fleet married any of the marines on the transport, but a marine named Daniel Stanfield married the daughter of a First Fleet convict.

Did any governors die on the First Fleet?

No. The only governor on the First Fleet was Arthur Phillip, and he did not die.

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All of the boats commissioned for the First Fleet made it to Australia.

Did any other ships arrive with people after the first fleet?

Yes, but it was two years before the Second Fleet arrived in 1790. This, too, was essentially a convict fleet, with some free settlers. No other transport ships came in between 1788 and 1790. The Third Fleet followed, but it was not until after that when free settlers' ships began to arrive more regularly.

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Yes: the Alexander was one of the ships of the First Fleet. The Alexander was a transport ship, meaning it carried convicts.

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No. The Lady Penrhyn was one of the ships of the First Fleet. Famous convict architect Francis Greenway was not on any of the ships of the First Fleet. He arrived in Sydney on the transport General Hewitt in February 1814, 26 years after the First Fleet.

Are there any hospitals in Antarctica?

Each research station has a first-aid station where people who have accidents or become ill can be treated superficially. There are no 'hospitals' there that would compare to any hospital on any other continent.

Were there any priests on the First Fleet?

No, but the first priest to come to Australia was in 1820 and he was fr John Therry.

How long did chimney sweeps serve in the First Fleet?

If there were any chimney sweeps among the convicts of the First Fleet, the length of their sentence was determined by their crimes and the whim of the magistrates who convicted them, not by their job.

How many bags of rice were there on the day of the first fleet?

When the First Fleet left Portsmouth, England, there were 12 bags of rice aboard. No doubt more bags were purchased at any of the three ports along the way.For a complete list of the provisions on board the First Fleet, see the related link below.