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You may be bleeding because its left over blood from your last period or you have an infection or are having a miscarriage. You need to see your doctor everytime you bleed during pregnancy.

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Q: What's wrong if you still get your period when you're pregnant?
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Whats wrong when you start your period two days early and it stops the next morning?

If there is a chance you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. It could be implantation bleeding

Do you still have periods if you are pregnant?

No you don't have you period when you are pregnant. How do you know? When it is the time of the month for you to be on your period and your not then unfortuanately their is something wrong. Meaning that you can be pregnant. How do you know your pregnant? When you can't take the smell of anything or you are craving for alot of things. You can also feel like throwing up too.

Can you get pregnant 5 days before your period and still get your period?

No something must have gone wrong. If it was a little more chunky than usual than your baby probably came out of you. It would be the size of a rice grain

Im leaking milk from your breast What is wrong?

whats wrong with me I'm on my period and milk leaking out my breast

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

2 months late headaches dizzyness peeing more whats wrong?

you're pregnant.

Its been 38 days since my last period yet i still dont have my monthly visit am i pregnant?

It is very possible that you are pregnant. I would go buy a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side. Then if you aren't pregnant and you still do not have your period I would go to the doctor and tell them about it, because something could be seriously wrong.

In 7th week of pregnancy and heavy period with cramping but still getting sickness and pregnancy symptoms whats wrong?

i think u should call ur doc asap because it s never b a good sign to have heavy bleeding while u r pregnant

Is it possible to have a heavy period and still be pregnant?

no because you get a period when your womb lining isn't being used so I'm sorry to say if you get your period while you're pregnant you have gotten a miscarraige but check with your doctor if I'm wrong then you might be lucky! no because you get a period when your womb lining isn't being used so I'm sorry to say if you get your period while you're pregnant you have gotten a miscarraige but check with your doctor if I'm wrong then you might be lucky!

What is wrong with you if you keep having period cramps and no period what dose that mean?

You are pregnant silly

That is wrong when you did not have your period for 2 months but you know you not pregnant?

Stress can cause the absence of a period.

I have been craming for a week and still haven't had your period whats wrong?

There is a chance of pregnancy if you have not started your menstrual cycle. Stress or late ovulation can also cause changes in the cycle.