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Q: What 2 elements are named after scientists?
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Which elements are named by scientists?

There are five different elements that are named by scientists. The five elements are Bohrium, Curium, Einsteinium, Fermium and Lawrencium.

How many scientists are named after elements?

Surprisingly, most are.

What 10 elements are named after 10 scientists?


What Elements are named for famous women scientists?

Curium, named after Marie (and Pierre) Currie.Meitnerium, named after Lise Meitner.

Are the elements in the periodic table of elements named after scientists?

Some of them and some of someone else like the teddy bear named after Theodore Roosevelt.Some are even named after countries, like Francium.

What are the scientists names and first names that have had elements named after them?

Louis pasture Alexander flemming

What are 3 element s named after science?

Rutherfordium, Bohrium and Einsteinium are just 3 of a few elements that are named in honour of scientists. You cannot get more science-y than key scientists

What elements are named after scientists in the actinide series?

The actinides are a series of 15 radioactive elements, the group gets its name from the element Actinium. The elements are Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium and Lawrencium. Six of the elements of this group got their names from renowned scientists, Curium was named after Marie and Pierre Curie; the Einsteinium was named after Albert Einstein; Fermium was named after Enrico Fermi; the Mendelevium was named after Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev; the Nobelium after Alfred Nobel and Lawrencium is named after Ernest Lawrence.

What are three elements named after great scientists?

Einsteinium and mendelevium, Thorium, Curium, Fermium, Rutherfordium, Bohrium, Seaborgium, etc., etc.

How many elements are named after geographic locations in the world?

There are 22 elements on the Periodic Table that are named for a geographical location in the world. Some of the elements are Californium, Copper, Dubnium, and Germanium.

What elements on the periodic table are named after discoverer?

Offhand I can't think of any that are directly named after their discoverer personally. There are several named after scientists (curium, einsteinium, seaborgium, mendelevium, etc.), but those scientists did not discover these particular elements (Seaborg discovered, or at least participated in the discovery of, several elements, but seaborgium was not one of them; likewise for Curie and curium; Einstein didn't discover any elements). There are some named after countries: francium and polonium were named after France and Poland... the countries where their discoverer, Marie Curie, was living and was born respectively. Finally, there are at least two named after an employer: californium and berkelium were named by a team working at the University of California - Berkeley. ("At least" because while lawrencium is supposedly named after Ernest O. Lawrence, it was discovered at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, which was ALSO named after Ernest O. Lawrence, making it a bit ambiguous.)

How do scientists discover elements?
