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Q: What 2 states do not have an avenue named after them in Washington dc?
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Street names start with letter d?

Delaware Avenue NE and Delaware Avenue SW in Washington DC. The US capital has a street named after all 50 states.

Is Washington dc in New York?

no..... they are two different states. However, there is a New York Avenue in Washington, DC.

Do all the states have streets named after them in Washington DC?


Address of the Whitehouse Washington DC?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC

How do you address a letter to the President of the US?

President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500-0004

Where is Washington Not the state or DC just Washington?

Many states have a city named Washington. For example, Illinois has a city called Washington.

What is one fact about Washington DC?

Washington DC was named by george washington.

Address of the whitehouse?

The White House is found in the capital city of Washington, DC.The street address is1600 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington, DC 20500USANote that the national capital city of Washington is in the federal District of Columbia (DC) which is not part of any state but borders Maryland and Virginia.1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 is the address of the President's house, aka the White House and the Executive Mansion.

Where is the US Department of Energy located?

The United States Department of Energy is headquartered in the James V. Forrestal Building in Washington, DC. The street address for the building is 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC.

Why does George Washington represent Washington DC?

Because Washing DC was named after him.

What is Washington state dc?

There is no STATE Washington DC! Jesus know your common knowledge, Washington Dc is a district of the United States of America. DC stands for District of Columbia, named after the 'discoverer' of the Americas. I hope I could assist you.... with this common knowledge :3

What is the width of Pennsylvania avenue in Washington DC?

80 feet