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Q: What 2 states representatives come from to meet for negotiations at Mt Vernon after identifying a need for a stronger national government?
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A system of government which guarantees each state representation at the national level?

A republic system of government guarantees each state representation at the national level. In a republic the government is ruled by elected leaders.

The term national republic means what?

a system of government in which people elect representatives to govern.

What branch of government grants citizenship?

the legislative branch can

What type of government does Reunion Africa have?

It does not have its own government. It sends representatives to the French National Assembly and it is governed from France, which is a democracy.

Is the senate and house of representatives covered under the national or federal government?

National and Federal mean the same thing. So both.

What type of govenment does israel have?

Israel's national government is a parliamentary democracy, with representatives selected by general election.

How does the Vietnam Government get elected?

People vote to choose their representatives in the National Assembly. This assembly, then, vote to choose members of government from a list that the Vietnamese Communist Party gave them.

Name three levels of us government?

Local, State, and Federal courts.

How can we file a complaint in the UN?

You, as an individual, cannot. The UN is composed of member NATIONS whose national governments appoint representatives to that body. You need to begin any process by contacting the elected representatives of your government.

What kind of a democracy the US national government is?

The United States is a representative democracy. Which means that people elect representatives to represent their ideas and thoughts.

How many congressmen does Missouri have in the national government?

2 Senators & 9 Representives. At the present time (2007) Missouri has nine US Representatives.

Which of the branches of federal government is divided into two separate chambers?

Legislative branch.It consists of the senate and the house of representatives.