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Q: What 3 blessing does a priest say at anointing of the sick?
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What does a priest say when he anoints the sick?

Well, I am pentecostal and when the Pastor anoints the sick, he speaks the word of God. Example: Be healed by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. And we use some biblical scriptures as well. For we know that in the Word of God, there is power.

What does Saint Thomas say about anointing of the sick?

There are a number of saints named Thomas. Please be specific. If my memory serves me correctly, it was Saint James in his epistle that mentions the anointing of the sick.

Where can Anointing of the Sick occur?

The Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick comes to us from James 5: 14-15: "Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters (priests) of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint (him) with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven." (NAB) The essential elements of prayer and anointing outlined in scripture are found in the contemporary sacramental celebration. In the Latin (Roman Catholic) rite, after a greeting, penitential rite, and readings from scripture, there is a short exhortation which quotes James 5 and prayers of intercession for the sick. Next, as an essential act of the sacrament, the priest will lay hands on the sick (or at least extend hands over the sick), in prayer to the Holy Spirit for healing. After a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessed oil (or after the blessing of oil for the occasion, if that is necessary), the priest will anoint the sick person, normally on the forehead and the palms of the hands while saying, (forehead) "Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit." (palms) "May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up." The priest then offers a prayer to close out the anointing rite, and the celebration may continue with Mass or end with the Lord's Prayer, a blessing, and dismissal. In the event thtat many anointings are taking place in a hospital or a communal celebration of anointing takes place in Church, or if there is fear of imminent death, these rites may be rearranged or even radically simplified. The minimal elements in any case are the laying on of hands and the formula of anointing with blessed oil. Anointing may be celebrated with anyone (Catholic) who has a serious illness which significantly affects one's health and well-being. This illness need not be life-threatening, as it may include those who are preparing for surgery or who are simply suffering the effects of being elderly. Those who are suffering from significant mental/emotional disorders may also approach the sacrament. (There is no specific standard on this either, but it seems reasonable in my opinion to say that a mental/emotional disorder reaches the seriousness of calling for anointing when doctors are (or should be) involved.) Anointing (and other sacraments) may not be celebrated with those who are clearly dead. There is some room for discretion on part of the priest to discern 'final death' from clinical death. We do not know precisely when the body and soul are finally dis-integrated following clinical death. Indeed, there are some life processes which carry on for some time following clinical death. Again, opinion will vary, but most priests will anoint ("conditionally") for the 15 minutes to 1 hour following apparent clinical death. After such anointing, or when death is clearly present and anointing is not possible, the priest may sprinkle the body with holy water and offer prayers for the dead. Normally by the clergy and deacons. Oil, usually Olive oil, is poured or rubbed on the head of the afflicted, all this preceded by personal confessions with prayer in and after the ceremony. Sacrament of the sick is anointing with physical health, continues Christ's healing ministry through the power of prayer and faith. The anointing of the sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety, discouragement, and temptation, and conveys peace and fortitude.

How do say blessing in Hebrew?

Blessing = brachah (ברכה)

What does the catholic priest say when blessing children?

There are many "approved" blessings, and a priest has the authority to make up his own prayer when giving an informal blessing (i.e. outside of a liturgical ritual like the Mass or Confession.) No matter what prayer is said by the priest, the actual blessing of anyone (not just children) is given in one of two forms, either one must be said while making the sign of the Cross: 1) May Almighty God Bless you - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2) May the blessing of Almighty God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - descend on you and remain with you always.

Can any priest bless a sacramental?

Yes and no. The question is like asking whether any priest can say the Mass, he can, but only according to the rite in which he was ordained. Sacramentals are similar in that every priest can bless them, however, there are some sacramentals that are specific to certain priests and their religious orders. All priests have a ritual that contains the basic prayers and blessing for sacramentals. Most everything has a blessing for it, some even have very specific blessings. There are, however, certain sacramentals that have specific blessings that are ordinary only given by the priests of specific orders. For instance, any priest can bless a rosary, but if a Dominican monk/priest blesses a rosary, he can give the blessing proper of his order which carries special indulgences. Any priest can bless a crucifix, but if it is a Benedictine crucifix there is a special blessing that a Benedictine monk/priest can attach to it. Ordinary parish priests, or priests from other congregations, can actively seek to be invested with the privilege of being able to give these special blessings from the order itself, or, the order may issue a dispensation granting a specific group if not all priests to be able to bless certain sacramentals according to their blessing.

How do you you say Blessing to you all in Samoan?

Blessing to you all = Fa'amanuiaga mo outou uma.

How do you say blessing in Norwegian?

Blessing = velsignelse

How do you say blessing in polish?


How do you say blessing in Thai?


Would you say this discussion has been a blessing or have been a blessing?

Yes, this discussion has been a blessing. It has provided valuable insights and promoted growth and understanding.

Are monks Catholic?

In the Catholic Church, a priest is a male who has been ordained into the priesthood. This means he has the authority to say Mass, and to conduct the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation/Penance, Anointing of the Sick, and the Eucharist, and to witness the sacrament of Marriage. A monk takes a vow of poverty, chastity and obediance, just as a priest does, but he does not have the authority to say mass, administer communion, hear confessions, and conduct the other sacramental duties of a priest. A monk is still considered to be a lay person, as he is not a priest.