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dead sea scrolls, church fathers, and Apocrypha

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Q: What 3 books were excluded from the bible?
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What books were excluded from the Bible?

Some books are included in bibles used by some churches, not included in others. The ones excluded from all common bibles are called the Apocrypha, and are available separately in religious bookstores.

Is the word of GOD complete or incomplete?

This has always been very troubling to me, even as I was growing up and studying the Bible. There are very many lost, missing, banned and excluded books of the Bible that are not included in the Bible as we know it today and the past. I have always wondered "Who" is Constantine to decide which books belong and not belong in the Bible? Studies of Constantine show that he actually thought he was GOD himself? And, What gives the Catholic Church the right to decide if a book belongs in the Bible or not? I was taught that the books of the Bible were written by men "inspired" by GOD. Yet, there is a Book of Mary? Was she "inspired" by GOD? Of course, the Catholics wouldn't think so. What about that is lost, missing, banned or excluded? Were any of those authors "inspired" by GOD to write them? I am somewhat "shocked" by the "number" of books that are lost, missing, banned and excluded from the Bible! Today's Bible with the Old and New Testaments total 66 books! Believe it or not, lost, missing, banned and excluded books total more than that! As a believer and a Christian, I believe the Bible, we have today, is the Word of God. However, I also believe that it is "incomplete", but all we have to go on, here on earth. And, as the Bible says, "all will be revealed to us when we are in heaven". I find that extremely interesting and look forward to it.

Which portion of scripture is inspired by God?

AnswerJews say that the Old Testament was inspied by God. Many Christians say that the entirre Bible was inspied by God. Others say that the Bible is only a collection of books written by fallible humans, pointing out that there was wide disagreement when some books were chosen for inclusion in the Bible, while others were excluded.

How many books in the entire bible refer Satan?


What are the 3 major holy books?

The Torah, Bible and Koran.

Were Hebrews the authors of the Bible?

AnswerYes, the Bible began as the Hebrew scriptures. At first, the various books of the Old Testament were simply separate scrolls, with only a few defined as absolutely central to Jewish faith. These books were written in many cases by anonymous authors, who lived long after the events that they described may have occurred. The Council of Jamnia, around 96 CE, is believed to have defined exactly which books would be included in the Jewish canon, thus defining the Hebrew Bible.Had different books been either excluded or excluded, then different books would have come to be regarded by many as inspired by God.

What 3 languages were the books of the bible written?

The original Hebrew Bible that became the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Christian New Testament books of the Bible were written in Greek.

What is the number od books in the Bible?

73 books in the Bible There are 67 books in the Protestant Bible.

Are there 3000 books in the Bible?

No. In Christian Bible there is 73 books - but Protestant Bible have 66 books.

How many books are excluded from the King James version?


How many books of the Bible are there?

There are 66 books of the bible.

What are the three books that guide Presbyterians?

The 3 books which guide Presbyterians are 1) The Bible 2) The Book of Order, and 3) The Book of Confessions.