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1. Distance from the epicenter/focus

2. Duration of Shaking

3. Magnitude

4. Ground material

These all lead to the types of earthquakes (Subduction Zone EQs, Deep EQs and Shallow Crustal EQs), which leads to plate tectonics, which then leads to plate boundaries.

Subduction Zone EQs

Deep EQs

Shallow Crustal Faults

Subduction Earthquakes - Juan de Fuca plate is sliding underneath North American plate

-friction - What happens with the subuction zone breaks?

-As the interface area moves, the strain in the overlying plate is released. Areas of the overlying plate are uplifted and other parts subside. We call this rebound (land can either go up or down).


-Where? at the interface of the Juan de Fuca and North American plate

-Why? locking-bulging, ^^^ slipping-rebounding mechanism

-How frequent? every 300-500 years

-How strong? 8.5-9M

-Area potentially effects? 1-4 minutes

Deep earthquakes in subducting slab (i.e. Nisqually earthquake)

-Hot on the outside, ice cold on the inside (i.e. deep fried ice cream).

-center of plate is still cold (outer is hot), earthquakes are in the center due to coldness which leads leads to brittle breakage.

Summary Deep earthquakes

-Where? at depths of 35-60 km in the Juan de Fuca subducting plate

-Why? Phase changes in the subducting slab ^^^

-How strong? 6-7.5 M (moderate)

-How frequent? one ever 30 years avr.

-Shaking effects? 14-30 seconds

-Area affected? localized in area above subducting slab

-potential damage? significant to extensive

(i.e. Seattle Fault, Tacoma Fault and Urban Earthquakes - many local faults in the Puget Sound Region)

-Where? Shallow in the North American plate (includes the Puget Sound Region)

-Why? Regional compressional stress applied on pre-existing crustal faults

-How strong? up to 7.5M

-How frequent? uncertain...

-Damage? localized but extensive

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