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Q: What 6 molecules enter the Calvin cycle?
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How many molecules of high-energy sugars are produced as a result of one Calvin cycle?

the calvin cycle uses 6 molecules of carbon dioxide to produce a singe 6carbon sugar molecule

What are the products of 6 turns of the Calvin cycle?

2 molecules of triose phosphate are made from the reaction of every 6 turns of the cycle source: bio major

How many carbon dioxide molecules must enter the Calvin-Benson cycle to produce one sugar phosphate?

== == Technically speaking, three turns of the Calvin cycle produce one Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P). Each turn of the Calvin Cycle uses 1 CO2. So three CO2 (3 cycles) for 1 G3P. Since 2 G3P are needed for 1 molecule of glucose = six molecules of CO2. As a side note, for one molecule of glucose= requires 6 CO2 + 18 molecules of ATP + 12 molecules of NADPH. (Source: Campbell and Reece, 2005)

What happens to the unstable 6-carbon molecule?

During the Calvin Cycle in photosynthesis, the 6 carbon molecule splits into 2 PGA (Phosphoglyceric Acid) 3 carbon molecules.

How many ATP and NADPH are required to fix one CO2 molecule?

9 ATPs and 6 NADPH per 3 CO2 to make 6 G3P which could be used for glucose (C6H12O6)

Describe what can happen to PGAL molecules made in the Calvin cycle?

"GALP" in the Calvin Cycle is responsible for the formation of Glucose and RuBP. Glucose is one of the two products of photosynthesis and is important for the survival of the organism. RuBP is a 5-carbon compound that starts the whole Calvin Cycle. Without the presence of GALP, the RuBP will not be able to from and therefore the Calvin Cycle would stop entirely, dramatically reducing glucose levels within the plant (and not replenishing used Glucose), so less aerobic respiration takes place, causing the plant to die. 1/6 of GALP formed is responsible for forming Glucose, whereas 5/6 of GALP molecules produced are responsible for RuBP formation - it's more important to keep the Calvin Cycle going than to supply large amounts of Glucose to the plant.

How many water molecules does the Calvin cycle require?

Five for one cycle, see equation below: 3 CO2 + 6 C21H29N7O17P3 + 5 H2O + 9 C10H16N5O13P3 → C3H5O3-PO32- + 2 H+ + 6 NADP+ + 9 C10H15N5O10P2 + 8 Pi

The Calvin cycle begins when CO2 combines with a five-carbon carbohydrate called what?

rubpThey give rise to a 6 C unstable compound.Then this is broken into 2 PGA molecules

How many times does the Calvin cycle turn to make 1 molecule of glucose C6H12O60?

Six. (The info below is taken directly from the Wikipedia article on the Calvin cycle. The immediate products of ONE turn of the Calvin cycle are: 2 x glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) molecules 3 x ADP 2 x 2 NADP+ (ADP and NADP+ are regenerated in the light-dependent reactions). Each G3P molecule is composed of 3 carbons. In order for the Calvin cycle to continue, RuBP (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate) must be regenerated. So, 5 of the 6 carbons from the 2 G3P molecules are used for this purpose. Therefore, there is only 1 net carbon produced to play with for each turn. To create 1 extra G3P requires 3 carbons, and therefore 3 turns of the Calvin cycle. To make one glucose molecule (which can be created from 2 G3P molecules) would require 6 turns of the Calvin cycle. Surplus G3P can also be used to form other carbohydrates such as starch, sucrose, and cellulose depending on what the plant needs.

What is Calvin system?

The Calvin system, also known as the Calvin cycle or C3 cycle, is a series of chemical reactions that occur in the chloroplasts of plants during photosynthesis. It converts carbon dioxide into glucose, a simple sugar molecule that serves as an energy source for the plant. The Calvin system is named after Melvin Calvin, the scientist who elucidated its mechanism in the 1950s.

How many ATP molecules are used to complete one run of the Calvin Cycle and produce 1 glucose molecule?

One turn of the Calvin cycle requires 3 ATP with an addition of 2 NADPH. However, to produce 1 glucose molecule requires 6 turns of the Calvin cycle. 3 ATP per turn X 6 turns = 18 ATP Total 2 NADPH per turn X 6 turns = 12 NADPH Total Reference: Biochemistry, A short course by Tymoczko, Berg, Stryer. Page 354

Where is ATP needed in the Calvin cycle?

ATP is needed to break down the 6-carbon molecule created from fusing carbon dioxide and RuBP. This creates two 3GP molecules and reduces the ATP to ADP.