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Windows XP uses a quantum-based, preemptive priority scheduling algorithm

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Windows 8 uses the multilevel feedback queue scheduling algorithm. Multilevel queue scheduling divides processes into groups. This is useful for shared memory.

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round robin algo is used in windows xp...

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What is priority scheduling algorithm?

The priority scheduling algorithm is a kind of CPU scheduling algorithm where the processes that wait for the CPU are scheduled according to their priority..

What CPU scheduling algorithm is used by?

same as linux use.

Which CPU shchedule algorithm is used by Windows 8?

Round Robin

What is the difference between primitive and non primitive CPU scheduling algorithm?

In Non-Primitive CPU Algo. once a process is given to the CPU it cannot be preempt,but in primitive Algo. it can be.

What is the Round Robin algorithm?

It's an algorithm that is used for CPU schedulers.

Explain with an example first come first serve scheduling algorithm?

By far the simplest CPU-scheduling algorithm is the first-come, first-served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm. With this scheme, the process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. The implementation of the FCFS policy is easily managed with a FIFO queue. When a process enters the ready queue, its PCB is linked onto the tail of the queue. When the CPU is free, it is allocated to the process at the head of the queue. The running process is then removed from the queue. The code for FCFS scheduling is simple to write and understand. The average waiting time under the FCFS policy, however, is often quite long. Consider the following set of processes that arrive at time 0, with the length of the CPU-burst time given in milliseconds:

Is the round robin CPU scheduling algorithm suitable for time sharing OS?

Yes, it is one of many scheduling algorithms suitable for time sharing.However it is not suitable for scheduling in a hard realtime OS that must consistently meet deadlines.

Round robin scheduling program in java?

Round robin is the scheduling algorithm that is utilized by the CPU, or central processing unit, during the execution of the process. It is specifically designed for time sharing systems.

Which type of process scheduling does Linux and window uses?

Linux has a number of schedulers available in its kernel, plus at least one scheduler available as a patch. But the default schedler is the Completely Fair Scheduler. Like most modern schedulers, it is pre-emptive, meaning that instead of the process deciding when to give up the CPU, the kernel decides for it when to give up the CPU. This keeps even the most uncooperative process from starving the other processes on the computer of CPU time. From what I understand of how CFS works: It keeps an eye on how much of an assigned quantum (length of time.) is actually spent on the CPU by a process and how much of the quantum is spent blocking (Keeping off the CPU to wait for I/O requests to complete, a process can't usually proceed and keep going without requested data. During the time a process is waiting for the hardware, other processes make use of the CPU.) The less time a process actually uses the CPU on its given quantum, the higher a priority it gets so that when the data from an I/O operation is complete the process can quickly execute to the next I/O request and block again. This keeps the CPU busy, but the system responsive to just about any event.I don't know what sort of process scheduling is used on Windows. Windows, unlike Linux, is given a pretty heavy black box treatment when it comes to its users and a great deal about its kernel is not common knowledge. Presumably it is a pre-emptive, priority-based scheduler. Doubtful it's as efficient as CFS.

How a Round Robin scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU to processes?

The round-robin scheduling algorithm allocates CPU time to processes by sequentially assigning the CPU to processes of equal priority that are in the state of being able to use the CPU. (Not blocked) This works by appearing to evenly distribute the CPU amongst CPU ready processes. Processes that are waiting on something, such as an I/O event, particularly waiting on the user to press Enter, are not considered for allocation. Often, there is a priority assigned to the process, which factors in the allocation strategy. Processes that are mostly I/O intensive tend to have higher priority, giving them good response time. Processes that are mostly CPU intensive tend to have lower priority, so they don't interfere with overall system responsiveness.

What are the scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?

CPU Scheduling Criteria: There are many scheduling algorithms and various criteria to judge their performance. Different algorithms may favor different types of processes. Some criteria are. as follows: • CPU utilization: CPU must be as busy as possible in performing different tasks. CPU utilization is more important in real-time system and multi-programmed systems. • Throughput: The number of processes executed in a specified time period is called throughput. The throughput increases .for short processes. It decreases if the size of processes is huge. • Turnaround Time: The amount of time that is needed to execute a process is called turnaround time. It is the actual job time plus the waiting time. • Waiting Time: The amount of time the process has waited is called waiting time. It is the turnaround time minus actual job time. • Response Time: The amount of time between a request is Submitted and the first response is produced is called response time. A CPU scheduling algorithm should try to maximize the following: • CPU utilization • Throughput A CPU scheduling algorithm should try to minimize the following: • Turnaround time • Waiting time • Response time by manish kumar gnit g.noida

What is a preemptive and non preemptive algorithm and explain with example?

Preemptive scheduler reruns scheduling decision when process becomes ready. If the new process has priority over running process, the CPU preempts the running process and executes the new process. Non-preemptive scheduler only does scheduling decision when running process voluntarily gives up CPU. In effect, it allows every running process to finish its CPU burst.