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Q: What Defensive military alliance meant to combat Soviet aggression abbr?
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Britain and France responded to initial German aggression by?

France and Britain responded to Germany's initial aggression by adopting a policy of appeasement. Neither country wanted to start a war.

What was the name of the soviet military alliance to counter NATO?

The Warsaw Pact was the military alliance formed to counter Soviet expansion.

What was the soviet unions defensive alliance during the cold war known as?

Warsaw pact

What is the military alliance created to defend western Europe?

NATO is the military alliance that was created to defend Western Europe from a possible Soviet attack.

What was Military alliance of the soviet union and communist nations of eastern Europe called?

The Warsaw Pact was the name given to their alliance.

What was the main agreement made with the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?

The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization meant that the constituent countries would be part of a DEFENSIVE MILITARY ALLIANCE, where if any member was attacked (presumably by the Soviet Union or a communist satellite), the other members would come to the assistance of the attacked nation. The nations of Eastern Europe, in turn, founded the Warsaw Pact, which was a similar defensive military alliance.

What group did the soviet union form that protected the communist nations?

The defensive alliance of communist nations was called the Warsaw Pact.

What did the Satellite nations of the soviet union joined the military alliance known as?

warsaw pact

What was the alliance formed by eastern Europeans countries under the control of the soviet union?

The Warsaw Pact was the alliance that was made by communist Eastern European countries that the Soviet Union controlled. It was a military alliance that was formed in 1955, during the Cold War.

What was the name of the military alliance formed by soviet union after World War 2?

The Warsaw Pact

When West Germany joined NATO what military alliance did Soviet Unoin form?

Warsaw Pact

What organization was created in reaction to NATO?

After the USSR collapsed, all of the former Soviet countries remained in a military alliance. This military alliance is called the Commonwealth of Independent States or CIS.