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The Legio XIII was not founded by an emperor. It was founded by Julius Caesar. He levied it to march against the Belgae of northern Gaul and It was the legion with which he r crossed the River Rubicund to wage his civil war against the forces of the senate. It was reconstituted by Octavian (the future Augustus to suppress the rebellion of Sextus Pompeius (son of Pompey) in Sicily.It acquired the cognomen Gemina (twin) after being reinforced with veteran legionaries from other legions after the civil war against Mark Antony.

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This Roman legion was the result of Octavian's combination of a legion of Julius Caesar and one Octavian had created. Octavian had a 13th legion in the civil war with Mark Antony. At the end of that war, Octavian's 13th was combined with Caesar's old 13th to create the 13th Germina legion.

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Q: What Emperor created the 13th Gemina Roman Legion?
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