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xénophobie, the hate against people who can't borrow a dictionary from the library.

There are hundreds of words starting with "x"!

Pretty sure the last one must be "xylophoniste"...

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8y ago

Xéroxer, xylographier, and xylophoner are examples of French verbs whose spelling begins with the letter x. The above-mentioned present infinitives respectively mean "to Xerox (make photocopies)," "to engrave wood," and "to play the xylophone." The respective pronunciations will be "gzey-ro-kser," "gzee-lo-gra-fyer," and "gzee-lo-fo-ney" in French.

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Q: What French verbs start with the letter 'x'?
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Are there any verbs starting with letter x in French?

No, there are no commonly used verbs in French that start with the letter "x." However, there are a few rare verbs such as "xénophobiser" (to xenophobize) or "xéroxer" (to photocopy) that start with the letter "x."

What verbs start with the letter X?

x-ray / xerox

What verbs that start with the letter x?

Xenon adn x-ray are all i can think of.

Are there verbs that start with x?

xerox x-ray

Are there any strong verbs beginning with x?

No, there aren't any verbs that begin with the letter X

What verbs with the letter X?

· x-ray · xerox

Which verbs begin with x?

X-ray is a verb. It begins with the letter X.

Different verbs words that start with a X?

· x-ray, xerox

What are some Verbs beginning with the letter X?

X-ray is used as a verb. It begins with the letter x.

What are some verbs and adjectives that begin with the letter X?


What are some other verbs that start with x?

Not many, a few are x-ray and xerox.

Which animals start with the letter X in French?

Xérus, xipho/xiphophore, xylocope.