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Q: What Group of animals have bones in their body but no teeth?
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Related questions

What is the percentage of body's calcium is stored in teeth and bones?

Approximately 99% of the body's calcium is stored in the teeth and bones. This mineral is essential for maintaining the structure and strength of these tissues.

What does proteins do in animals?

it helps their body grow and strengthens bones and teeth

ARE Bones are the hardest material in your body?

No, our teeth are

What parts of a coyote's body help it to trap and eat small animals?

Teeth and claws are the most relevant parts of the coyote's body, for trapping and eating small animals, but realistically, the entire body works together for that purpose. Muscles and bones make it possible to make use of teeth and claws. The brain directs the movements of the muscles and bones, the eyes and ears provide information about where the small animals are, and so forth.

Where is the majority of the body's flouride stored?

teeth and bones

What parts of the body contain calcium?

Bones and teeth

Where is 99 percent of the body's calcuim?

teeth & bones

What two materials are needed with people who have strong bones an teeth?

calcium and phosphorus are two minerals needed by the body for strong bones and teeth.

The body's phosphorus is stored where?

about 85% of phosphorus is found in our bones and teeth.

Which part of your body is not made of protein?

Bones and teeth are not primarily protein.

Where in the body is phosphorus stored?

about 85% of phosphorus is found in our bones and teeth.

What is the role of phosphorus in your body?

Used to build strong bones and teeth