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Not quite sure what the question is asking, but I'll do my best.

The modern chemical elements (Periodic Table) didn't start getting sorted out until around 1800. The classical elements (earth, fire, air, water) were laid out by Plato in 360 BCE. A fifth classical element was also proposed, Aether, but that was well before the dark ages too.

While the Christian world was in it's dark ages, Geber (Abu Musa Jābir ibn Hayyān) was experimenting in chemistry in the Muslim world. He started separating elements into metals and non metals. He also proposed that metals were all formed from sulphur and Mercury. Later "salt" was added to this Arabic system of metallic elements.

A lot of fighting and bloodshed power constantly changing hands and very little movement in science the arts engineering or philosophy it was an era of darkness and stagnation.

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Q: What Happened to Elements in the Dark Ages?
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