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Q: What Have scientists learned about neolithic farming societies by studying catal huyuk?
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What separates Neolithic societies from Paleolithic societies?

Neolithic societies were characterized by the development of agriculture, which allowed for more settled lifestyles, permanent settlements, and the growth of specialized labor. Paleolithic societies, on the other hand, were hunter-gatherer societies that relied on hunting and foraging for survival, leading a more nomadic existence.

What separates neolithic society from paleolithic societies?

Between the paleolithic and neolithic periods there was the mesolithic. But to answer the question: The neolithic saw the beginning of a sedentary lifestyle. Farming and ceramic technologies were developed and land management began.

Describe the impact of job specialization on Neolithic societies?

Job specialization in Neolithic societies allowed individuals to focus on specific tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in activities such as agriculture, pottery-making, and tool production. This specialization also contributed to the development of social hierarchies and increased complexity within these early societies.

What societal advancements occurred first among early societies during the Neolithic Revolution?

Some societal advancements that occurred first during the Neolithic Revolution were the development of agriculture, establishment of permanent settlements, and the domestication of animals. These advancements led to a shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more sedentary and organized way of life.

In what region of the world were Neolithic societies located?

Europe, Asia, & Africa. They started planting seeds & continued to hunt food, but some groups only relied on farming for their food. (P.S. also for #5 type in: Where were pre-neolithic societies located, then you'll find mu answer. OK.)

What regions of the world were neolithic societies located?

Europe, Asia, & Africa. They started planting seeds & continued to hunt food, but some groups only relied on farming for their food. (P.S. also for #5 type in: Where were pre-neolithic societies located, then you'll find mu answer. OK.)

What were the advantages of Neolithic ages?

they had farming

What two discoveries brought on the Neolithic revolution?

The two key discoveries that brought on the Neolithic revolution were agriculture, leading to settled farming communities, and the domestication of animals for food, labor, and other resources. These changes enabled a shift from nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyles to more permanent settlements and the development of early civilizations.

How did the Neolithic people survive?

Neolithic people survived by transitioning from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agricultural communities. They domesticated plants and animals for food, learned to create tools and pottery, and developed simple irrigation systems for farming. This shift allowed them to produce a more stable food supply and led to the development of more complex societies.

What is the shift from hunting to gathering to farming called-?

The shift from hunter-gathers to farming was made from the switch from the paleolithic revolution to the neolithic revolution

What change began the Neolithic age in about 8000 BCE?


Where did the first neolithic farming villages appear?

The first neolithic farming villages appeared in the Fertile Crescent region, specifically in areas such as modern-day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. This region is often referred to as the "cradle of civilization" due to its significance in the development of agriculture and settled societies.