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Q: What If an organization fails to produce outputs valued in the external environment whiat is likely the outcome?
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What is internal environment on an organization?

an internal environment of an organisation is the environment the organisation has control over, it simply means the environment within the organisation. In business management the internal environment of the organisation consists of its internal resource and capabilities. So what resources does the organisation have to turn inputs into outputs and does it have the skills and knowledge necessary to do so?

What is management and organization?

is the way the inputs within the organisation are successfully transformed into outputs.

Which part of an organization system reflects processes that transform inputs into outputs?


Why does MIDI go out?

A sound card can have both MIDI inputs and outputs. The outputs are used to control an external device, to provide a wider range of sound than is possible with the built-in wave table.

Is there a way to connect speakers to a tv that has no audio outputs?

You could use an external cable or satellite receiver and connect speakers to that.

How can i connect external speakers with my sharp 90's model TV?

If your TV has RCA audio outputs, you can connect an amplifier to these outputs to plug in speakers. If it has a headphone jack, you can connect computer-type amplified speakers to this output.

What is the market forces and organizational response?

I think this is part if not the answer your looking for. I found this as i was reading and studying for my class: Principles of marketing. Marketing environment consists of external forces that directly or indirectly influence an organization's acquisition of inputs and creation of outputs (goods, services, or ideas). The marketing environment includes 6 such forces: competitive, economic, political, legal, and regulatory, technological, and sociocultural. Weather fluctuating rapidly or slowly, environmental forces are always dynamic. Changes in the marketing environment create uncertainty, threats, and opportunities for marketers. Marketing managers who fail to recognize changes in environmental forces leave their firms unprepared to capitalize on marketing opportunities or to cope with threats created by changes in the environment. Monitoring the environment therefore is crucial to an organization's survival and to the long-term achievement of its goals. This is all found in the Marketing Express, Pride & Ferrell, 2011. Book sold at colleges.

What is one major phase in a project?

milestone In addition, the crucial phase in any project is Planning. Some of the outputs are project organization and workplan.

What is the definition of desired outputs?

an outcome is what will happen in the end of a occurrence, like the outcome of people going on a dangerous quest. Will they get to their goal or die? So desired outcomes are what someone wants the outcome to be. For the quest, the people want the goal, but the bad guy wants them to die. The bad guy's desired outcome is the people on the quest dying The people on the quest want it all to turn out okay in the end. That's their desired outcome.

How would you explain the black box concept?

The black box concept refers to the activities of an 'organization' in terms of managing its varying inputs and varying outputs(disturbances from both internal and external environment); basically its a theoretical construct with unspecified and indefinite attributes in an environment with specified or definite attributes. This illustration of how management regulates complexities in the face of unlisted uncertainties is what the black box concept is all about. According to Ross Asbley's Law of Requisite variety;(1).You do not need to enter the black box to understand the functions it performs. (2).You do not need to enter the black box to know the number of potentials it may generate.

Why is it important for managers to understand the external forces that are acting on them and their organization?

rganizations depend on their environment and their stakeholders as a source of inputs and a recipient of outputs. Good relationships can lead to organizational outcomes such as im­proved predictability of environmental changes, more successful innovations, greater degrees of trust among stakeholders, and greater flexibility in acting to reduce the impact of change. In addition, relationship management and maintaining good relationships have been proven by many researchers to have an effect on organizational performance. High-performing companies tend to consider the interests of all major stakeholder groups as they make decisions.

What is one or more outputs?

They are outputs of an operation or activity.