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The farm that George and Lennie dream of owning in "Of Mice and Men" serves as a symbol of independence, security, and the hope for a better future. It represents the idea of self-sufficiency and a place where they can escape the harsh realities of their current lives. Additionally, the farm symbolizes the possibility of achieving the American Dream despite the challenges they face.

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Q: What Is The Farm They Want A Symbol Of Of mice and men?
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Who is the owner of the farm in Of Mice and Men?

The owner of the farm in "Of Mice and Men" is never explicitly mentioned by name. The farm is a symbol of hope and a place for George and Lennie to live self-sufficiently. It represents their dreams and aspirations for a better life.

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Of Mice and Men occurred during the Great Depression, so yes there were Economic issues. That is why they are all migrant farm workers, so when one shuts down, they are ready to move on to the next.

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Why do the animals attack Frederick's men?

Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell. In the novel, the animals attack Frederick's men because they tried to take the windmill, which was the symbol of the animal farm.

Where is the mice of men set?

The setting is the Salinas Valley region of California, most of the story occurs on a farm near Soledad.

Of Mice and Men What does Lennie not have in his pocket?

In "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not have a rabbit in his pocket, despite his strong desire to have one. He often dreams of tending rabbits on their future farm.