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Sea Floor spreading

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Q: What Is the mechanism responsible for producing the new seafloor between two diverging plates?
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What is the mechanism responisble for producing the new oceanic crust between 2 diverging plates?

Seafloor Spreading.

Which force is responsible for seafloor spreading?

Gravity in the oceanic crust is responsible for seafloor spreading.

What states the youngest rocks of ocean floor are at a diverging boundaries moving outward?

seafloor spreading

Early in this century what was the prevailing view of how land animals migrated across vast expenses of ocean?

Opponents of continental drift claimed that due to transoceanic land bridges animals were able to make their way across the oceans. Seafloor spreading is the process of producing a new seafloor between two diverging planes.

Which Earth layer is responsible for filling in gaps left by seafloor spreading?


How does seafloor spreading results in new oceanic crust?

As the seafloor spreads apart, magma from the mantle inside the earth bubbles up to the ocean and hardens in the cool temperatures, producing new oceanic crust

Does seafloor spreading hold the plates in place?

No, seafloor spreading does not hold the plates in place. Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed and spreads apart. It is driven by the movement of tectonic plates, which are actually responsible for holding the seafloor in place.

What type of plate movement causes mid ocean ridges and sea floor spreading?

Mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading are characteristics of oceanic diverging plates, plates that are moving away from each other.

What happens along a divergent boundary between two oceanic plates?

A rift valley, volcano, earthquake, trench.

What is the mechanism for seafloor spreading?

Molten lava leaks out along the seams between tectonic plates in the earth's crust, at the sea bottom. Because the water is cold, the lava hardens quickly into rock, causing the sea floor to spread in both directions.

What motion of the sea floor is responsible for the formation of the mid Atlantic ridges rift valley?

According to scientists, the process associated with seafloor spreading is responsible for the formation of the mid Atlantic ridges rift valley.

Why is the process of divergence constructive?

In Geological terms, the reason is that when tectonic plates move apart (diverging), magma seeps up through the gap, forming new sea floor, thus it is constructive of new surface rock, as opposed to destructive, whereby seafloor is destroyed.