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Q: Which Earth layer is responsible for filling in gaps left by seafloor spreading?
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What kinds of ocean currents might cause seafloor spreading?

Ocean currents have no effect whatsoever. Seafloor spreading is caused by convection currents in the rock of the earth's mantle.

Seafloor spreading is caused by what?

Convection currents within earth's mantle are responsible for both continental drift and sea floor spreading. The heat driving these currents comes largely from the decay of long lived isotopes trapped in earth's core and mantle.

Does seafloor spreading cause the earth's crust to expand?

New oceanic crust is being created at seafloor spreading zones, and crust is alternately being subducted and destroyed at subduction zones.

What is the difference of seafloor spreading and continental drift?

In continental drift it says that they were drifted apart by the spin of the earth and in seafloor spreading the earths crust is drifted apart by the ridges in the mid-ocean.

How are magnetic patterns in sea floor rock evidence of seafloor spreading?

Magnetic alignment of rocks, in alternating strips that run parallel to ridges, indicates reversals in Earth's magnetic field and provides further evidence of seafloor spreading.

In which earth layer are most convection currents that cause seafloor spreading thought to be located?

The Asthenosphere, a.k.a. the Plastic Mantle.

How do earth's magnetic signatures support the idea that continents move?

Scientists indicated that the seafloor was spreading, so the poles "reverse"

In the process of sea-floor spreading what happens when magma rises to Earth's surface and solidifies?

Yes. Seafloor spreading is the term given to the creation of new seafloor at divergent boundaries. At a divergent boundary, two oceanic plates move apart, which obviously means that something must then surface to fill the void. This is where the magma rises from the Earth's interior and cools to become seafloor. On the other end, at convergent boundaries, the old seafloor is forced under the continental plates, where it is recycled back into the Earth's magma supply.

How do you explain the process of the seafloor spreading?

The seafloor spreading definition is the geologic process that occurs at the boundary between 2 plates where molten material within the earth pushes its way up, causing the plates to move away from each other. At these divergent boundaries molten material cools and hardens, creating new oceanic crust or seafloor

What is the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises to earth's surface and solidifies at a mid-ocean ridge?

seafloor spreading

How does seafloor spreading results in new oceanic crust?

As the seafloor spreads apart, magma from the mantle inside the earth bubbles up to the ocean and hardens in the cool temperatures, producing new oceanic crust

Where on earth would you find seafloor spreading?

You can find the seafloor spreading in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It is pushing Europe and Africa away from North and South America. You can go to Iceland and stand on the place where the spreading seafloor comes onto land. There, you can put one foot on Europe and one foot on America. It would be quite a while before your feet became another inch apart.