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A horse can be any age when their body stops producing the needs to carry a foal. You can have your vet come out and look at your mare and see if she is still able to carry. Many vets don't take recip (mares who carry the foal for other horses) mares over the age of 10 only so they can be sure that the foal will have an equal chance of living. And so they can know that the mare will cycle properly to carry the baby all the way to birth. I have a 22 yr. old mare that we are taking embryos out of and she is still producing beautiful babies and she doesn't have to carry the extra weight of a baby anymore because the recip mare does it for her. I hope that that helps you get a better idea.

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Q: What Is to old for a horse to have a baby?
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How old is a baby horse?

4 years or younger

What is another word for baby horse?

A yearling is a year old horse. Answer 2: A baby horse is called a foal. A newly weaned foal (Typically 4 to 6 months old) is called a weanling. A foal that is a year old is called a Yearling.

How often can a horse have colts?

A colt is a baby boy horse, your horse can have a baby, a filly or colt, a filly is a girl baby, anyways, a horse can have a baby right after her previous foal is weaned, but if she hasn't had a baby yet, she can have one after she's 2 1/2 years old, or 3 years.

How old is a baby horse when they start trotting?

Mere hours

How old does horse can make a baby?

A female must be 4 years old at least.

What is an adult foal?

A foal is a baby horse between 0yrs and 1yr old.

Can a 22 year old horse have a baby?

Only if she had babies before. If it is her first time, she cannot have a baby.

What is a baby horse call?

A foal is a horse of any gender that still suckles from its mother. A weanling is a horse of any gender that is being weaned from it's mother. A yearling is a horse of any gender between 1 and 2 years old. A filly is a girl horse less than 5 years old. A colt is a boy horse less than 5 years old.

Young one of a horse?

A male baby horse is a colt, a female baby horse is a filly, a baby horse in general is called a foal.

How old is a baby horse when they first started walking?

within 2 hours

What does aged mean in a horse?

a colt is a baby boy (foal) under the age of 2 a filly is a female foal under the age of 4 a gelding is a castrated male horse a stallion is a male horse a mare is a female horse foal - a baby horse

What is the name for a young horse?

It depends on the gender and your idea of young horse.A baby female horse is called a filly until she turns 4 years old and then becomes a mare.A baby male horse is called a colt until he turns 4 years old and then becomes a stallion.Sometimes people called their horse a yearling when their horse turn a year old. A yearling could be a male or female.