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Q: What Low pressure over warm ocean water may produce?
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What is the water pressure in the hadal?

The water pressure in the hadal zone, which is the deepest part of the ocean, can reach extreme levels of over 1,000 times atmospheric pressure at the surface. This is due to the weight of the water column above.

Why does a hurricane reach its lowest pressure over water?

Warm ocean water is the source of power for a hurricane. If a hurricane moves over land it will be cut off from that power source, causing the storm to weaken and the pressure to rise.

Colder air moving over significantly warmer ocean surface water may produce?

Fog may form as much colder air moves over warmer ocean surface water. As the ocean evaporates into the colder air, it saturates the air producing fog that looks like streamers rising off the water.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over which of the following?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water while tornadoes usually form over land.

Why During the warmest part of a June day breeze blows from the ocean toward the shore at a beach?

air pressure over the ocean is higher than air pressure over the land!

Would air pressure be greater over the ocean or over land?

Early in the day, the land is quite cold as it has lost its heat overnight. Therefore it is more dense and has a greater air pressure. However, as the day progresses, the air above the land will be very hot, less dense, and hence have a lower pressure. As a result, the air above the ocean has a greater air pressure later in the day.

Why do hurricanes start over warm ocean water?

There are islands in the ocean

When coastal land is warmer than the nearby water what type of breeze forms?

Along Coastlines, warmer air relates to lower air pressure, thus air flows from the higher-pressure, cooler setting into the area of lower air pressure. If the land is warmer, it has lower air pressure. Air over the sea would therefore be cooler and thus have higher atmospheric pressure, and the air will naturally from from the higher pressure (in this case, from over the ocean) to the lower pressure (over the warmer land).So you get a wind from the water onto the land, or a sea breeze.

Do earths continents gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together?

The ocean loses 37,000 km cubed of water considering the evaporation and precipitation over it. But the land and ocean water evens out.

Why does the pressure over continents change with the seasons?

The air pressure over the continent may be heavy or less. The changes in temperature only produce pressure and the temperature change with seasons.

What do warm waters meet with to cause hurricanes?

In order for a hurricane to form a preexisting area of low pressure must move over warm ocean water. This low pressure area acts as a sort of seed that can grow into a hurricane. In addition to warm ocean water, the system needs moist air (though this often comes naturally with warm water), and little to no wind shear.

What does low pressure over land and high pressure over water form?

a land breeeze