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Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula (Pancho Villa).

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Q: What Mexican General and revolutionist was called Pancho?
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Who was a Mexican general and revolutionist that lived 1878 to 1923 called Pancho?

Pancho Villa.

Mexican general and revolutionist who lived from 1877- 1923 and who was called pancho?

The answer is Pancho Villa he was assinated in 1923

Who is the Mexican General and revolutionist who lived from 1878 -1923 and who was also called Pancho?

Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula also known as Francisco Villa and Pancho Villa.

Who was the mexican general called pancho?

Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula (Pancho Villa).

Who was the Mexican General who was called Pancho during the revolution?

Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula (Pancho Villa).

What were the consequences of Pancho Villa's invasion for Mexico and the US?

After Pancho Villa attacked Columbus, NM, US Army General John J. Pershing was commissioned to capture Villa in a nine-month pursuit that unsuccessfully ended when Gen. Pershing was called back. Mexican leaders Venustiano Carranza and Victoriano Huerta felt such pursuit was an indirect invasion of Mexican soil, bout couldn't oppose effectively as they were fighting each other during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1921).

What was pancho's horse name?

Pancho's horse was called "Himself" - played by a horse named Loco

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Diablo was Cisco's horses name, Loco was Pancho's horses name

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What is hot dog in Spanish?

In some countries it is called "choripán" or "pancho".