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3-8%, the same as the rest of the world.

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Q: What Percentage of Middle East is gay?
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What is the percentage of Muslims in the Middle East who are Shiites?

Around 15% of Muslims in the Middle East are Shiites.

What percentage of the middle east speaks arabic?

Approximately 20% of the population in the Middle East speaks Arabic as their native language.

What percentage of the average middle school is gay?

Scientists estimate that about 3% to 8% of the population is gay. As homosexuality occurs fairly regularly in all demographics, it is fairly safe to say that the answer for middle school is the same.

Why is a large percentage of crude oil in the Middle East?

It is believed that the Middle East used to be a swamp 300 million years. Decaying swamp matter produces petroleum after millions of years.

What percentage of the middle east is Islamic?

The way the question is phrased (using the word "Islamic") refers to land. Since 99% of the Middle East is owned by majority-Muslim countries, 99% would be your answer. If you intended to ask what percentage of the Middle East is Muslim, i.e. referring to humans. roughly 90% of all Middle Easterners are Muslims. The largest non-Muslim populations in the Middle East are the Egyptian Copts (roughly 8 million people) and the Israeli Jews (roughly 6 million people).

What percentage of oil does the US import from the middle east?

USA imports about 29 percent of its total oil need from Persian gulf countries or middle east with Saudi Arabia being the largest middle eastern exporter of oil to USA.

What makes the middle east the middle east?

it is, obviously in the middle of the direction east.

What does Middle East mean?

the term middle east means the middle of the east.

Is hinduism a prominent religion in middle east?

Not in the Middle East, but it is in India. Islam is the predominant religion in most Middle Eastern countries. Often times it is an "Islamic Republic" or some type there of that actually governs the countries. Many of the countries of the Middle East are intolerant of other religions so the actual percentage of people that openly profess to be a different religion are small.

What percentage of people in the middle east are Kurdish?

Approximately 15-20% of the population in the Middle East is Kurdish. They are predominantly concentrated in regions spanning across Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

Which of the followings regions has a population with the highest percentage of Muslims?

Northern Africa (just answered in apex)

What is Lebanon's nickname?

Paris of the Middle East. Diamond of the Middle East.