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President on $1 one dollar bill: George Washington

President on $2 two dollar bill: Thomas Jefferson

President on $5 five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln

Face on $10 Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton. He was not a president.

President on $20 twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson

President on $50 fifty dollar bill: U.S. Grant.

Face on $100 One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin. He was not a president.

President on $500 five hundred dollar bill: William McKinley

President on $1,000 one thousand dollar bill: Grover Cleveland

President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison

Face on $10,000 ten thousand dollar bill: Salmon P. Chase (not a president; U.S. Treasury Secretary under President Lincoln)

President on $100,000 one hundred thousand dollar bill: Woodrow Wilson. These bills were only used for internal government transactions and never circulated publicly)

$1,000,000 dollar bill - does not exist - they're novelty items only.

All in order of amount.

Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, is on the $10 bill.

Benjamin Franklin, statesman, diplomat, writer, and inventor, is on the $100 bill.

The person on the US $10 bill isn't a president. Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury.

$1 - George Washington

$2 - Thomas Jefferson

$5 - Abraham Lincoln

$20 - Andrew Jackson

$50 - Ulysses S. Grant

$10 bills show Alexander Hamilton, the first Treasury Secretary and $100 bills show statesman, diplomat, and scientist Benjamin Franklin. Neither of these men served as president.

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Q: What Presidents are on the US dollars?
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