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Q: What Provisions would be made for those freed from slavery?
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What do the Jews celebrate for being freed from slavery?

a passover would be the closes thing...

What did the amendments mean to blacks during slavery?

That they would be freed and they would escape. They would vote and kill their owners.

Why were the Southern States against the freedom of African American slaves?

Their economy was based on the cheap labour that only slavery could provide. If the slaves were freed, those in the South would have to find other workers which would cost more and lower the profit.

What reason did the Emancipation Proclamation abolish slavery?

It did not abolish slavery. It freed slaves in those states which had not rejoined the Union by January 1, 1863. It also did not free slaves in the border states. Abolishing slavery would indicate that slavery had ended, and would imply that it was illegal. The document, which ended, abolished and made slavery illegal was the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. The 13th Amendment was ratified and made part of the US Constitution and binding on all states, on December 6, 1865.

When did US slavery stop?

The Emancipation Proclamation (issued in January, 1863) stopped the slavery and declared that all states brought back into the Union by military force would have their slaves freed.

Who were the individuals who would lead the slaves to the north?

Conductors (on the underground railroad) They were: freed slaves Quakers Abolitionists Anti-slavery activists

Why didn't the framers of the constitution write any provisions to end slavery into the constitution?

Slavery was economically and culturally entrenched in the southern states in the late eighteenth century. The southern States would not have supported the ratification of the Constitution if it had called for the end of slavery.

What if the slaves were never freed?

Then most African Americans would still be slaves, and Barack Obama would not likely be our president. It's improbable that the slaves would never have been freed, because Northern abolitionists were so passionate about it they would have continued fighting until slavery was ended.

What were people opposed to slavery known as?

In the USA they were known as Abolishionists, those who would abolish the practice of slavery.

What would the world be like today if Lincoln had not issued the Emancipation Proclamation and freed the slaves?

Not very different. The E.P. only freed the slaves in the ceded states. It would have made almost no difference a all except maybe lowering the morales of people who thought they might be freed. Slaves were officially freed by the 13th amendment. That made a big difference. If Lincoln did not issue the 13th, we might still have civil rights issues today, but slavery would have ended from other nations pressures. (The U.S.A. was one of the last nations to use slavery.)

Why was Lincoln cautious about ending slavery?

The South directly opposed it, therefore if he freed the slaves to early, the South would have seceded even earlier.

What did the Northern people think about slavery?

While most Northeners were not in favor of slavery, however, by abolishing it gave them cause for concern. They feared racial strife, Consitutional issues, fears that thousands of freed slaves would come streaming into Northern States, that freed slaves would be cheap labor for Northern industries and cause white unemployment and just plain racism.