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Hillary Clinton along with Interior Designer Kaki Hockersmith renovated The Oval Office, The Blue Room, Cross Hall, the Grand Entry hall and Staircase the State Dining Room The Treaty Room and many Private rooms on the family floors.

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Q: What Renovations were made to the White House by Clinton?
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What Arkansas Governors were elected to US Senate or the Presidency?

Bill Clinton made it to the White House.

Is the White House man made?

Yes, the White House is indeed man-made. It was built by human hands using materials and construction techniques. The White House has undergone various renovations and expansions over the years but its original structure was constructed by workers.

Did hillary Clinton take china from the white house when they left office?

No. When President Clinton left office, accusations were made to that effect. Representative Bob Barr asked the Government Accounting Office to investigate, and the GAO found no basis for the claim.

Can I claim improvements to my house onmy federal tax?

Renovations, repairs and/or improvements made to one's home are not tax deductible and neither are your power bill, phone bill, house payment, etc.

What is the white house made ot of?

The White made out of wood and more!!

What was the White House made of?

the white house was mostly made of marble and wood. some other thing were put into to it.

When and why was the executive mansion renamed the White House?

I think it was named in accordance with the racial issues of the time, and the fact that it was probably strongly believed that a black person would never step foot inside as anything other than a slave. However, If this were to be the case, It would never be made public... liars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did the Clintons take furniture from the White House?

No. Stealing is legal term and there has been no such charge made by any authority. The Clinton's took items given to them while they were in the White House, and what they took was agreed to by the White House managers. There are questions as to what was donated to them, and what was donated to the White House. It is important to note that items the Clinton took that were donated while they were in the White House may not fit the decor of the White House and be headed for a storage facility anyway. There have been claims that they took stuff that didn't belong to them from the White House, but the status of each item has to be cleared up to determine if they did. Before you donate anything to the White House, try to find out out of the current and likely future occupants want it. Items lacking a historical connection to the White House will almost certainly go into the trash , storage, or be loaned to members of Congress. Because donors may want something of theirs to become part of the White House does not mean that historians agree that it should be, or that there is room for it or money to maintain it. According to an article from February 2001 in the NY Times (see link below), they vowed to return any White House property they found mixed in with their own. It seems likely that the cost of determining the ownership and disposition of all the items in in question, will significantly exceed the value of the items. "In the latest criticism over their departure from the White House, the Clinton's faced questions today about taking $28,000 worth of furnishings, which two donors were quoted as saying had been intended to become part of the permanent White House collection, not gifts to the Clinton's. The disclosure, reported in today's Washington Post, came three days after the Clinton's said they would pay $86,000 to cover the value of gifts they received last year in an effort to avoid the appearance of impropriety. The couple had originally sought to leave with $190,000 in gifts."

Why did they choose sandstone for the White House?

no.the white house is made out of lime stone. i think. Wrong, the outside of the White House is made of Virginian Aquia Creek sandstone. Parts of the interior are made of Maryland Marble.

Which branch of congress brought impeachment procedures against President Clinton?

An Impeachment procedure against a federal government official can only be made by the House of Representatives and so it was with Clinton,

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How was the White House made?

with building blocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!