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Q: What Revolt by the Jews won back Jerusalem and the temple from the Greek rule?
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When did the Jewish revolt fails and the Romans forbid Jews to live in Jerusalem?

That was the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136). The Jews revolted against the emperor Hadrian renaming Jerusalem with the Roman name of Aelia Capitolina rebuilding Jerusalem as a Roman town, building a Roman temple in the place of the destroyed Second Temple and forbidding circumcision. When they were defeated Hadrian persecuted Judaism and renamed Judea Syria Palaestina (after the Philistines) to erase the memory of Judea, as well forbidding the Jews from entering Jerusalem.

Why did the Romans disperse Jews?

The Jews revolted against Rome in the year 68. Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem while suppressing this revolt. The Jews revolted again in the year 132. Rome destroyed Jerusalem, killed at least half a million Jews, enslaved many, drove the remainder out of Judea, and renamed Judea Palestine.

Which Greek god were the Jews forced to worship?

If you are referring to the story of Hanukkah, a statue of Zeus was erected inside the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

What happened after the second revolt against the Romans?

Jews Were Banned From Jerusalem

Will the Holy Temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt?

Orthodox Jews believe that the Temple will be rebuilt.

Who fought the Romans and kicked them out of Jerusalem?

It was the Zealots

What did the Babylonians do to the First Temple built by the Jews in Jerusalem?

They destroyed it.

When did Titus offer a pig on the alter in Jerusalem?

It was not Titus who sacrificed a pig in Jerusalem. It was Antiochus Epiphanes the Greek king of the Seleucid Empire and a son of King Antiochus III the Great. While he was fighting in Egypt rumours spread that he had been killed. Jason, a High Priest in the Temple in Jerusalem who had been deposed, gathered 1,000 soldiers and forced Menelaus, the high priest appointed by Antiochus, to flee. In 168 BC Antiochus attacked Jerusalem. To consolidate his power in Judea he sided with the Hellenised (influenced by the Greeks) Jews who were in conflict with traditional Jews. He banned Jewish religious practices and ordered the Jews to worship Zeus. Following resistance, in 167 BC Antiochus sacked Jerusalem, built a fortified garrison and dedicated the Temple to Zeus. Sacrifices of pigs were performed. This led to the Maccabean revolt and the Jews regaining control of the Temple.

Who built the Hebrew temple at Jerusalem?

The Jews built the Temple under the authority of King Solomon.

Who was the Roman Emperor who ordered the destruction of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem was never destroyed, it was the temple that was destroyed. Jerusalem, or course, suffered damage during the siege and final capture, but the city itself was not destroyed. In fact, the ancient sources say that the temple was destroyed by accident. This capture of Jerusalem came about under the emperor Vespasian by his son Titus.

What is the date of the Dispersion of Jews?

The date usually given is that of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE, when they were suppressing a Jewish revolt against Roman rule.However, the Romans did not force the Jews out of Judea in a single expulsion. Rather, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem only; and the rest of Judea lost its Jews slowly, over a period of centuries, as living there became too harsh.

What did the Romans do after the revolt of AD 132?

After the rebellion, the Romans banned all Jews from returning to Jerusalem.