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Q: What Socrates claims is his role in Athenian society and how he knows that this is his role?
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Who is the wise man according to Socrates?

Socrates believed that the wise man is the one who knows that he knows nothing. This idea is often attributed to Socrates as a demonstration of humility and self-awareness in the pursuit of knowledge.

Where in the bible does it say the wise man knows and knows he knows?

It's not in the Scriptures. It's a Greek Philosophy,proposed by Plato,I think..or Aristotle or Socrates.

What does Socrates mean when he claims that virtue is knowledge?

Socrates believed that having knowledge of what is good and right will naturally lead a person to act virtuously. He argued that if a person truly understands what is morally right, they will always choose to act in accordance with that knowledge. Therefore, to be virtuous is to have knowledge of what is morally good.

In Plato Apology why does Socrates think the oracle says that no one is wiser than he?

Socrates believes the oracle is right because he alone knows that he knows nothing, while others mistakenly believe they have wisdom. Socrates' acknowledgment of his own ignorance distinguishes him as the wisest, as he is the only one aware of the limits of his knowledge.

What is argument debate?

I will do my best. I'm not sure if there is a such thing as THE debaters argument, but the way I know the phrase is from a Platonic dialogue called the Meno. In it Socrates discusses the nature of virtue, its definition, whether or not it can be taught, etc. At the beginning Meno claims to know what virtue is, but through a series of questions, Socrates proves that Meno does not. Once they both agree neither knows what virtue is, Socrates asks Meno whether or not he would be willing to inquire into the meaning of it with him. This is where the debaters argument comes in. Meno says to Socrates, how will you search for something you do not know? Even if you should find it, how would you know? Socrates replies, saying (this is where the phrase is used) Meno, do you realize what a debaters argument you have brought up? (so the debaters argument, at least in this context, is saying one cannot search for what he knows--he already knows it there is no need to search. And one cannot search for what he does not know because he does not know what to search for.)

What is Socrates definition of virtue?

Socrates defined virtue as the state of wisdom by which an individual knows what is right and acts accordingly. He believed that true virtue is knowledge and that people do what they believe to be good, even if they are mistaken.

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What is the debaters argument?

The debater's argument is the main point or position they are trying to prove or convince others of during a debate. It typically consists of a clear claim or thesis supported by evidence, reasoning, and counterarguments to persuade the audience of their perspective.

What is mean by socrates quoted saying wise is he who knows that he does not know?

This quote by Socrates suggests that true wisdom lies in understanding our own limitations and the extent of our knowledge. It highlights the importance of humility and the recognition that there is always more to learn and discover.

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