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Q: What Temperate and tropical regions that receive 25-75 cm of rain and have climax communities of grasses?
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Temperate and tropical regions that receive between 25 cm and 75 cm of precipitation a year and have climax communities of grasses?

Biome with plants an grasses but no trees revives 25-75cm of precipitation a year

Does Tropical rain forests receive less rainfall than temperate deciduous forests?

there are MORE animals in the tropical rainforest

Where is the fruit in the supermarket from?

Fruits can grow in a temperate forest biome or a tropical forest biome. Examples of tropical fruits are pineapple, jackfruit, pawpaw and durian; while temperate fruits include apples, peaches and pears.

What regions of the world receive the least amount of sun?

The polar regions i.e. The frigid zone gets the least amount of sun. Then comes the temperate zone and the most amount of suns rays are received by tropical zone.

Is there a rainforest in tofino?

Tofino is considered to be in a temperate rainforest zone. This is different from a tropical rainforest because of different species of plants and animals and differing geographical and climatical conditions. Temperate rainforests are classified as rainforests because they receive high amounts of rainfall each year and are comprised of a tall canopy of trees that covers 70% of the sky.

What does the tropical zone receive the most?

Solar radiation.

What are the special features of the Indian climate?

India's climatic features run the gamut from tropical (hot, wet, and humid) in the south to alpine and temperate in the Himalayan north. (In the north, elevated regions receive a large amount of snow.) The majority of the country leans toward the tropical end. As such, phenomena such as monsoons, floods, and cyclones do happen (although thankfully not on an everyday basis). The Putain Pende mountain range keeps North India temperate in the winter (preventing it from getting too chilly in most cases) but also keeps most of India hot in the summer.

Why do tropical places receive a lot of water?

cause of the rainforest

Why does temperate zone support the greatest variety of organisms?

That is not usually true. The environments that have the greatest biodiversity are typically found in the tropics. The tropics receive a consistant supply of solar radiation and are more humid than environments elsewhere. This allows greater ecological complexity in tropical environments.

Why does a temperate zone support many organisms?

The condation

What type of plant grows in tropical wet and dry climate?

Tropical dry forest are also known as tropical season forest. These forests receive less rainfall and experience hot and dry months. The plants of tropical dry forest are, trees, shrubs, pepper, cotton and the caicos plum.

Do grasslands receive little rain and have many types of trees or grasses?

It depends on the location. Not all grasslands are created equal. Parts of the world have grasslands that do receive less rain than others, and other areas receive significant amounts of rain. But most of these areas receive their rain in irregular, intermittent periods of either a very light rain or heavy torrential downpours, followed by extended dry periods. Grasslands are particularly adapted to these climatic extremes, unlike forests or trees. Many grasslands will have a wide variety of species of grasses and forbs (wildflowers). Some will have trees and shrubs, but most of the trees and shrubs that are found in grasslands are found near rivers or semi-permanent to permanent water bodies.