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Q: What Themes that were not a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art?
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Which themes was not a major focus of renaissance art as opposed to medieval art?

Religious images were not a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art.

Which themes were not a major focus of renaissance art as opposed to medieval art?

Religious Images were not a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to medieval art.

What was a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art?

Religious images were not a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art.

Which of the following themes was NOT a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art elaborate details realistic features effective use of light religious images?

For multiple choice questions, one has to include the choices.

What Medieval art tended to focus on themes?

Medieval art tended to focus on the religious subjects theme.

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It's a journal of medieval and renaissance studies.

What themes were not a major focus of renaissance art as opposed to medieval art?

Renaissance Art indulged in a movement called "Humanism". Humanism was traced back to Classical times. The Greeks believed that "Man was the measure of all things." Renaissance literally means "rebirth" or "revival". It was the revival of classical teachings and studies. Medieval times did not have humanist movements. Medieval times were synonymous with the Dark Ages. The Plague and many strict religious movements occurred during this time. Medieval art was simple and devoutly religious, or it consisted of merely patterns and calligraphy. Celtic knots, for example, emerged during medieval art. Renaissance Art included far more. Renaissance Art encompassed everything from the late Byzantine period to the very early Mannerist and Baroque paintings. Renaissance Art had images of religious figures (Jesus, Mary, St. Gabriel, God, etc.) in various situations. Medieval Art was similarly religious. However, during the Renaissance, people were more concerned with life on Earth than they were with their lives after death. During the Medieval times, religious art was intended to put fear into the hearts of the viewers. Religious art was supposed to frighten the humble worshiper and inspire fear and love in his heart. Renaissance Art shifted the focus to the importance of "Man" (hence the humanist movement). Man's life on Earth out shadowed his life after death. This was a skeletal explanation. Please feel free to add more.

Which factor best characterizes the art of both ancient Greece and the Renaissance?

emphasis on the human forms

What is a major focus of renaissance art as opposed to medieval art?

Most medieval art was commisioned by the Church (who had the money for such things) and therefore depictions were things like Jesus or other people from the Bible, or any desired religious theme. Artists had a quite low position in society and were dependant upon such commissions. Pictures and sculptures were stylized and idealized as best the artist could to reflect the holy nature of the subject matter. During the Renaissance, artists were also commissioned by the church, but also increasingly by wealthy citizens, many of whom wanted non-religious art like portraits of themselves or loved ones, or illustrations of a favorite secular story. There was a great interest in science and nature at the time and a retreating of the idea that the physical, secular world was automatically sinful and evil. As a result of this change in thinking, artists like Leonardo and Michelangelo (to name the most well-known) studied natural processes and forms; including the human body, and much more lifelike depictions were created now that a new respect was felt for these forms.

Major focus in renaissance art?

the major focus of renaissance artists was on nature and the human form.

What were common themes of the Renaissance?

Common themes of the Renaissance included humanism, a focus on individual potential and achievement, a revival of classical learning and culture, exploration and discovery, and a celebration of beauty, creativity, and innovation. The period marked a shift from the medieval worldview to a more secular and rational perspective.

How did the humanists of the renaissance differed fromt the traditional medieval philosophers in the humanists?

Humanists of the Renaissance focused on the value of human potential, individualism, and secular topics like literature and art, while medieval philosophers were more concerned with theology and scholasticism. Humanists also emphasized the importance of classical learning and a revival of ancient texts, which was a departure from the medieval focus on religious doctrine and teachings.