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It seems you have omitted the lines you are referring to. Please provide the lines so I can identify the literary device being used.

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Q: What These lines contain an example of which literary device?
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What literary device is used in the book of Lamentations?

The book of Lamentations in the Bible uses the literary device of lament, expressing grief, sorrow, and mourning. It also employs vivid imagery and poetic language to convey the devastation and despair felt by the author over the destruction of Jerusalem.

What literary device does Dante use in these three lines to enhance the reader's understanding of Cerberus?

Dante uses personification in these lines to enhance the reader's understanding of Cerberus. By giving human attributes to the mythological creature, such as its "greedy gullet" and its "frightful hooks," Dante makes Cerberus more vivid and relatable for the reader. This literary device helps to bring the character to life and create a stronger impression.

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Rhyme is the literary sound device expressed in the poem "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, typically at the end of lines in poems.

What are examples of anaphora?

An anaphora is a literary device in which the first part of a sentence is repeated throughout a poem or work of prose. Many psalms are examples of this literary device. An example, would be 'Deliver me lord from my enemies. Deliver me Lord from evil. Deliver me Lord from all that is not of you.'

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what literary term means: last couple lines of a lit. work

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Rhyme scheme is not a figure of speech. It is a literary device used to describe the pattern of rhymes at the end of lines in a poem or song.

What literary device does Dante use in these lines to enhance the reader's understanding of the cerbus?

Dante uses personification, as Cerberus is depicted with human-like qualities such as gluttony and aggression, to make the infernal creature more relatable and vivid for the reader. This literary device allows Dante to emphasize Cerberus's ferocious nature in a way that connects with the reader's own experiences and emotions.

Which literary technique do the lines demonstrate?

I'm happy to help! Could you please provide the lines you're referring to so I can accurately identify the literary technique being used?

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Mechanical device is a try square

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