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I'm happy to help! Could you please provide the lines you're referring to so I can accurately identify the literary technique being used?

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Q: Which literary technique do the lines demonstrate?
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Kafka uses the literary technique of metaphor in this sentence.

Which poetic technique do these lines from plants poem edge illustrate?

The lines from the poem "edge" by plants demonstrate the technique of personification, where the plants are said to "weigh their destinies together" like human beings making decisions. This technique gives human-like qualities to plants, allowing the reader to connect with them on a deeper level.

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An oxymoron is the literary technique that is used.

The conceit is a literary technique most often associated with?

Conceit is a literary technique that involves the use of a very complex metaphor. It is most often used in poetry.

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The literary technique in this sentence is personification, where the mistake is given human-like qualities of causing a deafening silence. This technique helps create a vivid and impactful image for the reader.

What These lines contain an example of which literary device?

It seems you have omitted the lines you are referring to. Please provide the lines so I can identify the literary device being used.

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what literary term means: last couple lines of a lit. work

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Is personification a language technique?

I'd call it a literary tool or device.

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Iron filings will demonstrate the lines of magnetic force around a magnet.

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