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Natural Killer Cells lack the membrane molecules that identify B and T cells, but they have the ability to kill a wide variety of infected body cells and certain tumor cells.

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Natural Killer Cells (NK)

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Q: What Type of T cell that directly kills virus infected body cells and some tumor cells?
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Natural Killer Cells

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it kills tumor cells by breaking them apart

How does radiation treat malignant tumors?

Radiation therapy kills malignant tumor cells by breaking them apart.

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Cell division is not regulated in tumor cells.

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That a benging tumor does not metastasize.

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Mass effect is the term for the compression of surrounding cells by tumor cells.

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Osteosarcoma is the medical term meaning tumor of immature bone cells.

What is treatment of neoplastic disease by using a ionizing radiation?

The radiation kills cells (healthy & neoplastic alike). IF you can kill the tumor cells without destroying too much health tissue, THEN you can claim that it's a treatment.

A malignant tumor is a mass of cells that?

A malignant tumor is a mass of cells that invades and distroys healthy tissue.

Does stem cell research cover cancer?

In any cancer tumor, there are what's called 'cancer stem cells'. These cancer stem cells behave like stem cells in that they are usually quiescent but when the tumor is destroyed by for example radiation therapy and chemotherapy, which targets dividing cells, the tumor stem cells can survive these treatments and begin to divide and recreate the tumor after the treatment has ceased. Right now there are no effective treatment except for surgery that can selectively target cancer stem cells and this is the cause of high recurrence rates in certain cancers. There are also studies that show that directly injecting neural stem cells into brains with neural tumors can directly reduce the size of the tumor without harming surrounding cells. This makes stem cells sound like the 'silver bullet' for neural tumors however much more research needs to be done before this effect can be understood enough for human usage or usage for other organs.

What type of therapy that destroys cells by injecting anticancer drugs directly into the affected tissue?

The type of therapy that destroys cells by injecting anticancer drugs directly into the affected tissue is called intratumoral chemotherapy. It is a localized treatment approach that aims to target and kill cancer cells within a specific tumor site. This method can be effective in reducing tumor size and preventing cancer spread.