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Andrew Jackson. He had ten adopted children.

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Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States, had a daughter whom he and his wife adopted as an infant. Her name is Susan Ford.

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Q: What US president adopted children?
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Which US President was adopted and was never elected President?

Gerald Ford.

What are the names of the US President's children?

President Obama's children are Malia & Natasha.

What president had no natural children and adopted his wife's two children from a previous marriage?

George Washington. He had no natural children and adopted Martha's children. A boy and girl from her first marriage. Her first husband died from what was known at the time as "bad blood".

Was Benjamin Franklin the 16th president?

No. Lincoln was the 16the US President. Franklin was never the president- he was too old by the time the Constitution was adopted.

How can a 15-year-old from the US get adopted by someone in Tokyo?

Fairly simple, international adoption works in many directions. People from other countries can adopt US children, just like US adults can adopt foreign children. Why wouldn't they be able to? Do you honestly think that no US children are adopted out internationally?

How may children are waiting to be adopted?

In the US alone, over 100 000.

How many children did Bob Hope have?

he had 4 adopted children

Approximately how many children were adopted in the world in 2009?

Total US Adoptions or American children only adoptions? In 2008 there were 17,437 adoptions to the US from other countries.

Who adopted several children?

I know Angelina Jolie adopted several children.

Can an internationally adopted child become president?

No. One official requirement is to be a natural-born US citizen.

Who is the only US president to be born a king?

No US president was born a king. This is a trick question. In fact, Gerald Ford was born a King. He was adopted, but his birth name was Leslie King

What US President had 10 children?

John Tyler had 14 children - I do not think any president had exactly 10 .