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I count 9 : Cleveland, Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy,Lyndon Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama.

However , Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party elected Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, Pierce and Buchanan, so you get 14 if you add them in to the total.

I would not include them since the Jackson party split in 1860 and lost all its Southern membership. After the war, a new opposition party arose in 1868 to counter the Republicans and became the modern Democratic Party. It really had few ties to the Jackson Democrats except the name.

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11y ago

Nine US presidents belonged to the modern Democratic Party. Five others belonged to the old Democratic Party which broke up just before the Civil War.

Modern Democratic Party members

  1. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889), (1893-1897)
  2. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
  4. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
  5. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
  6. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
  7. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
  8. Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
  9. Barack Obama ( 2009- ?)

The Democratic party split just before the Civil War began -- there is not a direct connection between the pre Civil War party and the modern Democratic party .

Pre-Civil-War Democrats

  1. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
  2. Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)
  3. James K. Polk (1845-1849)
  4. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
  5. James Buchanan (1857-1861)
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7y ago

Nine US presidents were members of the Modern Democratic Party: Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, James E. Carter Jr., William Clinton, and Barack Obama.

Before the Civil War, five presidents Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, James Polk, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan were members of the Democratic Party founded by Jackson.

This party split in 1860 . The new Deomcratic Party which formed after the Civil War was only remotely related to the old Jackson party.

You may also want to count Andrew Johnson as a Democrat, since he was a Republican for only four years while he Vice-president and President.

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Q: What US presidents were Democrats?
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What political party dominated US national politics from 1860 to near the end of the 19th century?

For the most part, the US federal government was dominated by the Republican Party from 1860 to 1900. This is a large span of time and there were times within these years that Democrats were elected as presidents, senators and representatives.

Will the democrats win the presidency in 2008 or will the US as a whole still vote in a republican?

It looks like the democrats will win right now.

Why do democrats hate the us military?

Most Military are more conservative in their political beliefs and have respect for our institutions. They are clearly not the Democrats constituency.

How did the democrats did in the senate election?

As of now, the Democrats in the US Senate lost 8 seats to the Republicans. There will be more Republicans in the Senate, now, than Democrats, meaning the the Republicans will control the Senate. They already control the House.

What is US ruling political party called?

There are 2 main political parties in the US, the Republicans and the Democrats. The Democrats are in charge of the Executive Branch. In the Legislative Branch, there are 2 houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the House of Representatives the Republicans have control, but in the Senate the Democrats have control. In the Judicial Branch there are 4 accepted conservatives (republicans) and 3 accepted liberals (democrats) the remaining 2 vote both ways; so it can be said that Republicans have the judicial branch. 

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Out of the 44 US Presidents, 15 of them so far have been Democrats. The first one to serve as a Democrat was Andrew Jackson. He was in office from 1829 to 1837.

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Senators Clinton and Obama.

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The majority of presidents in U.S. history have been Republicans, with a total of 19 Republican presidents compared to 15 Democratic presidents. However, it is important to note that the political climate and party dynamics have evolved over time, and this balance has shifted in different eras. The relative strength of each party has varied, and the number of presidents from each party does not necessarily reflect the overall representation of Republicans and Democrats at all levels of government.

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During the Vietnam War, Presidents Kennedy and then Johnson were democrats.

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The Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.

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Well, the republicans (conservatists) appeared first with Abraham Lincoln, considered to be one of the best presidents ever. However, the democrats came before them, Andrew Jackson being the first.

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There were two Presidents who were Democrats and came from Ohio: William Henry Harrison and William McKinley. However, it is important to note that they were born in Ohio, but they were not necessarily considered Ohioans in terms of their political careers.

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Difficult question. "democrats" are, of course, those who believe in democratic principles in governing. ("Democrats" being members of the Democratic Party.) And "presidents" is the plural of the term president. There are presidents all over the place; from local civic clubs up to national organizations. The current President of the United States is never plural, unless you are speaking of all of the former presidents of the United States. When speaking of The President of the United States typically "President" is capitalized. As in: "The President is flying to Europe for a conference." The current President of the United States is a Democrat. Of the four living former presidents of the United States, two are Republicans and two are Democrats. (Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush II) Interpreting your question in a more free-form fashion as "How could the Democrats stop the President?" Brings one to the realization that the questioner does not fully comprehend the basics of the American democracy.

How many republican presidents vs democrat presidents in 50 years?

From 1960 to date. Republicans have won sevenpresidential elections, in 1968,1972,1980.1984,1988,2000, and 2004 and there were five different Republican Presidents,Nixon,Ford,Reagan,Bush41 and Bush43. During that same period the Democrats won six times, in 1960,1964,1976,1992,1996, and 2008 and there were four different Democrat Presidents, Kennedy,Johnson,Clinton and Obama.