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Texas got independendce and they had finnaly captured santa anna

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Q: What accomplishments did Susana Dickinson accomplish in her lifetime other than surviving the Battle of the Alamo?
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What was Emily Dickinson's accomplishments?

Emily Dickinson wrote many poems in her lifetime. One of her most popular poems are poem 712 and poem 465.

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When did Emily Dickinson publish her first book?

Emily Dickinson wrote poetry. Only a few of these poems were published in her lifetime. After her death, they were collected into book collections.

What is the middle name of 'Emily Dickinson'?

Her full name is Emily Elizabeth Dickinson.

Why is Emily Dickinson famous?

AnswerEmily Dickinson is famous for her poetry and her prolific writing, but during her lifetime she was more famous for the fact that she rarely, if ever, left her house. During her lifetime she wrote over 1700 poems, however, that are incredibly profound, but few were published in her lifetime; a relative discovered them after her death. Emily Dickinson was very important. She served as inspiration to poets for generations to come. She was also one of America's early female poets.When she was alive, Emily Dickinson was not that popular. Her writing was not well known. She was quite certain that she would be famous for her writing after death.

What did Emily dickinson mother win awards for?

Emily Dickinson's mother, Emily Norcross Dickinson, did not win any awards during her lifetime. She was primarily known for her role as a mother, wife, and homemaker.