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The Stamp act.

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Q: What act imposed a tax on every printed document in the colonies such as deeds newspaper wills and mortgages?
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Taxes were imposed on the colonists?

Yes, there were many taxes imposed on the American colonies by the British Empire.

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Who was king of England.He imposed unfair taxes on the colonies?

He was King George.

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What did the Thirteen colonies protest on?

The thirteen colonies protested many things. They did not like any of the laws or taxes that Britain imposed on them.

Which act imposed taxes on the colonies for any item on paper?

The Stamp Act.

European nations imposed their culture upon colonies was to promote the use of?

their own language

How did the Stamp Act differ from previous taxes imposed on the colonies?

it was a direct tax on the colonists

Who did the Whig party support in the disagreement between the colonies and the king?

In the disagreement they did not care for the taxes being imposed on the English citizens. They sided with the colonies.

Why were eurpoeans monarchs worried about their colonies in america?

Mercantilism was the basic policy imposed by Britain on its colonies. The colonies were captive markets for British industry, and the goal was to enrich the mother country.

What legislation placed a tax upon paper document?

The Stamp Act of 1765 imposed a tax on all paper documents in the American colonies, including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards. The act was met with strong opposition and was eventually repealed in 1766.

Who is the declaration complaining about?

It is a letter to the king complaining about the things that have been imposed on the colonies and declaring independence.