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Q: What actions were taken by the members of the Congress of Vienna?
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Constituency service is defined as the actions taken by members of congress and their staff to attend to the individual, particular needs of constituents.

What happened because of the congress of Vienna?

The congress of Vienna was a meeting of European ambassadors conducted by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich in 1814 and 1815. The main aim was to secure lasting peace for Europe. Many historians believe that it was a successful endeavor as Europe avoided any major conflict within for 100 years till WWI in 1914.

Actions taken by Lincoln without congress approval?

Raised an armySpent moneyBlockaded Southern portsSuspended habeas corpus

What are two ways that members of congress are the voice of the people?

The approaches taken by members of Congress when performing their representation function include the need to consider the desires of the populace, and educating the public about issues before the Congress.

How did the congress of Vienna try to restore the balance of power?

The congress of Vienna restored the balance of power to a greater extent. All the great powers were given a just equilibrium of states taken from the defeated. The major powers are Britain, Russia,Prussia and Austria. However, not only did the Congress of Vienna try to restore balance of power but also to prevent nationalism and liberalism, contain France, bring back legitimate rulers of Europe and stop slave trade in Europe.

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they used violence to prevent freed people from voting

What actions were taken by members of the Ku klux Klan?

they used violence to prevent freed people from voting

What actions were taken by the colonists that helped them unite?

Nonimportation agreements, the Stamp Act Congress, spinning bees, and the making and wearing of homemade woolen goods.

What actions were taken by the colonists?

i didnt mean to click on this i have no ideaa what it is im looking it up for a assiment

What actions were taken to launch the new government The first Congress?

This question is very complex. There are many things that lead to our government after the Revolutuion. With the congress, bill of rights, constitution, decleration of independence, national bank, and hamiltons plan.

What is the breakdown of ethnicity of the voting members of the 113th Congress?

As of 2021, 82% of members of the 113th Congress identified as white, 9% as black, 3% as Hispanic, 2% as Asian, and 1% as Native American. These figures may have changed over time as new elections have taken place.