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He preformed secret weddings for couples.
he was helping christian couples marry, which was considered a crime at that time!

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When Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus made it illegal for couples to marry, Valentine, a Catholic priest, continued to do so, he was taken prisoner, tortured and beheaded.

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Why are Valentines named after Saint Valentine?

Saint Valentine of Rome is considered the patron saint of lovers. Little is known about his life except that he was a priest in Rome and died as a martyr during the reign of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus.

Who made up Valentine's Day?

There was a man named Valentine and he went to jail and his wife sent him love letters. He became famous and that's how Valentine's Day was made. And cupid is not real.

When St. Valentine became a saint?

Valentine of Rome was declared a saint soon after he was beaten to death and beheaded about the year 209. These was no official canonization process in place at the time so he was made a saint by popular acclaim.

Which pope made Saint Valentine a saint?

Valentine was declared a saint by early Christians long before the canonization process was instituted in the 12th century. However, Pope Gelasius I (492-496) recognized his martyrdom and saintliness.

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A mob hit called the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre made that day memorable.

What qualities does Saint Valentine have?

Saint Valentine is known for his compassion, love, and devotion to helping others. He is often associated with acts of kindness, caring for those in need, and spreading messages of love and unity. His steadfast commitment to serving others and promoting love has made him a symbol of compassion and goodwill.

What exactly did St. Valentine do in his life to become an official saint and why did he have holiday named after him?

St. Valentine continued to marry couples after the Roman Emperor Claudius Gothicus made it illegal. He was taken prisoner, tortured and martyred for his faith. In the early Church a martyr was automatically considered as a saint. Before he was removed from the Calendar of Saints in 1969 his feast day was on February 14, also known as St. Valentine's Day. He was declared the patron saint of betrothed couples.

Who did Saint Valentine give the first Valentine to?

His name was Valentinus a very popular Latin name of the time (according to's page on Saint Valentine. Little is known of him apparently, but this wikipedia article is a very interesting read nonetheless.Valentinus was a popular name at the time, and there are actually several saints Valentine. The one whose feast day was February 14 we literally know almost nothing about. We don't know exactly who he was, only that he was presumably martyred towards the end of the third century.He was made a saint by Gelasius I around the year 500, but Gelasius himself implied he didn't really know anything about Valentinus, including him in a list of people "whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God."His Latin name was Valentinus.

How did Saint Valentine become connected to the word love?

When the Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus made marriage illegal, Valentine continued to marry couples in secret.

How did Saint Valentine become a saint?

Valentine would have done what all priest do: minister to their congregation. Valentine became a patron saint of lovers when the Roman Emperor made it illegal for couples to get married. He needed men for his army and could not draft married men. Valentine continued to marry couples in secret. When the emperor found out, he had valentine thrown into prison. While in jail he became a close friend of the jailer's young daughter. Just before he was executed for his crime, he sent her a letter in which he told her to remain faithful to God. He signed it, "From your Valentine."He is a saint because he died for doing what was correct. he was a martyr.

What law of Emperor Claudius II did Saint Valentine disobey?

Saint Valentine disobeyed the law of Emperor Claudius II that prohibited young men from getting married, as the emperor believed single men made better soldiers. Saint Valentine continued to marry young couples in secret, which led to his arrest and eventual martyrdom.

Why was Saint Valentine made a saint?

If you are asking about St. Valentine whose feast day we celebrate on February 14, he was a priest, possibly a bishop, in Rome. He followed a life of heroic virtue. When the Roman Emperor ordered that he would not allow marriages to be performed, Valentine continued to marry people in secret. The emperor was having problems raising an army as he could not draft married men. When the emperor learned that Valentine was continuing to marry couples, he had him arrested and thrown in prison. After torture, Valentine has martyred for his faith. This is why Valentine is considered the patron saint of love. Martyrdom for one's faith is generally considered a first class ticket to Heaven. Valentine would have been proclaimed a saint by popular acclaim as there was no official process in place for canonization.