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== == I have no idea where you get the idea that you are demonically possessed and if you wouldn't mind could you give me some examples as to why you feel this way? Just tell your story. Firstly, I would advise you to see your doctor about this as it could be something treatable, secondly I would advise that if anything is attacking you or you feel vulnerable or exposed to any sort of demonic goings on, then speak to a priest, vicar, pastor or someone high up in your religion. Thirdly, sprinkle natural salt around your home. Doorways, windows, anywhere anything can get in. This is done to absorb negative energies. (A demonic entity will not be as strong with the salt barriers in your home). Please do not eat the salt, this will not help anything. Being possessed by demons isn't at all uncommon and most people that have never experienced this would rather deny or dismiss it or be non believers. It does happen. The Catholic Priests have ledgers upon ledgers of people that have been possessed. I did see a program on demonic possession and for a person such as myself to watch the Priest working with the patient possessed it appears 'staged' because that's just how it looks. There is nothing worse than something happening to your body and you can't convince others to believe it's real. Some people will simply laugh it off as another candidate that's seen 'The Exorcist' one too many times. There are possessions that take place if people would do their research. I suggest to you that you get a 'sleep study' done on yourself at either a University Hospital or a major hospital that deals with sleep problems. They may keep you indefinitely and study and monitor your sleep problems. There are other methods along with this to get to the root of your problem. I would also like to suggest there are a few diseases that can cause these same reactions to the body and you should be seeing a specialist and getting MRI's done as well as blood workups, etc.

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