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Start by giving them a refund. Did they have an allergic reaction to a component that you had asked them about? Did the facial consist of approved methods and chemicals? Did a licensed technician apply it? If you can't answer "yes" to these, you should direct them to see a dermatologist and pick up the tab in order to demonstrate that you have taken prudent steps to protect your client. This will be important if your client is litigious.

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Q: What advice would you give if a client had a contra action to a facial?
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A contra-indecation of a facial?

ringworm cold sores (herpes simplex) severe eczema severe psoriasis impetigo you can get all of these to the face it is called contra-indecation.

What contra actions can occur in facial treatments?

In rare cases, such as Trigeminal Neuralgia, also called Tic Delaroux, any facial treatment needs to be conservative and cautious so the client does not get an attack, which in the case mentioned would be very painful. What you might try doing is having them guide your hands and show you how they want you to apply the treatment.

How do you maintain the client's modesty during a facial treatment?


How would you adapt your facial massage for a male client?

When giving a Male a facial you should not use cotton wool to cleanse the face; instead use sponges to cleanse the skin. Wipe off in the direction that the beard grows, to avoid the hair being pulled. If the client has a beard or a moustache you must avoid applying any product to the area. Cleansing, steaming and exfoliating treatments are all very beneficial unless contra-indicated. When giving a Male a facial you should not use cotton wool to cleanse the face; instead use sponges to cleanse the skin. Wipe off in the direction that the beard grows, to avoid the hair being pulled. If the client has a beard or a moustache you must avoid applying any product to the area. Cleansing, steaming and exfoliating treatments are all very beneficial unless contra-indicated. With the toner, you should spray directly to the males faceWith the toner, you should spray directly to the males face

Where can someone seek advice about reducing facial lines?

Someone can seek advice about reducing facial lines from their doctor or plastic surgeon. One can also find advice online via YouTube and websites like 'Web MD' and 'wikiHow'.

What contraindication may arise from a facial massage and why?

A facial massage may not give rise to a contraindication in itself. The client may have a preexisting condition that could be aggravated by massage to the face. One example is trigeminal neuralgia.

What is the facial hair policy for allied Barton?

"Neat, closely trimmed and groomed beards and mustaches are permitted if allowed at the client site."

What are some contagious contra indications which can prevent you from getting a facial?

conjunctivitis, bacterial,viral or fungal infections,impetigo,herpes,warts,scabies,pediculosis,boils and carbuncles ,ersipelas,candidiasis

WHich action of the mouth occurs a lot of muscle?

Smiling uses the most facial muscles.

Which element of a play helps actors convey their characters personalities through action and facial expression?


What is the action and position of the risorius muscle?

The risorius is a facial muscle which pulls the corners of the lips out and back (towards the ear).

Types of bodily action in communication?

In communicating, ideas can be transferred by action or by mere gestures and facial expressions done by a person to another. Wave Smirk Smile Blush Shrug Wink These are some example or a bodily action that also includes facial expression in communicating. Gipsy's, and pantomime theaters communicates without using a certain language as a means of communication.