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Afferent neurons carry sensory information in the form of nerve impulses to the central nervous system. Efferent/motor neurons carry commands to effectors such as muscles and glands.

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Q: What afferent neurons convey information?
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What neuron carries impulses from receptors to the central nervous system?

Neurons that convey sensory information are called 'sensory neurons' or "afferent neurones"

Neurons that carry information to the spinal cord?


What neurons carry impulses toward the spinal cord and brain?

afferent neurons

Sensory neurons are also known as?

Afferent Neurons

Can atomic neurons be sensory or afferent neurons?

I believe you mean autonomic neurons (part of the ANS) and yes, they can be sensory neurons. Sensory neurons are the same as afferent neurons--meaning they carry signals towards the CNS. Think as afferent as 'approaching'. Anyhow, these neurons sense the conditions of your visceral organs and whatnot. Other wise it would have no information to judge for what signals to send. So yes, autonomic neurons consist of both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons.

Afferent neurons are -neurons?

Yes, they are.

What neurons that carry impulse to the brain and spinal cord called?

These are called efferent neurons. The one that carry impulses away are afferent. Afferent (A) are away (A).

Are sensory neurons afferent neurons?

Yes, they are.

In a three neuron reflex arc the afferent neurons synapse with?

The afferent neurons synapse with the interneuron.

DIvision of the nervous system brings sensory information to the central nervous system?

The afferent neurones or Sensory neurones. Further divided to 2 subtypes, the visceral (from inner organs) and somatic (from skin). There is also the cranial nerves which provide information to the CNS.

When classified according to structure all neurons are?

Afferent neurons

Does a efferent neuron convey information away from the hippocampus?

Technically efferent neurons carry information AWAY from anything, afferent neurons carry information TOWARD something. So the hippocampus may have efferent information going to other parts of the brain (limbic structures, frontal lobe structures, etc). Most often efferent information refers to motor output in or to the peripheral nervous system.