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Anyone can discover this about themselves at any point in their life. Everyone is different and I would think by the time someone is in college they would already have figured it out.

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Q: What age does gay and bisexual college students become aware of their sexual orientation?
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How can people become gay?

People don't "become" gay. It seems to have something to do with fetal development and genetics. In any case, sexual orientation is determined by age six. Many people experiment with a same-sex relationship without actually being gay, and some people are actually bisexual. In the long run, however, you are what you are.

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If you are talking about sexual orientation, you cannot become queer. You are born with your orientation.

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Actually, most of us are bisexual -- at least in the sense that we are capable of sex with both men and women, although we may never act on it. So it's possible for a person to think they're straight until they meet somebody of the same sex and try it and find out they enjoy it, too. But strictly speaking, that's not turning bisexual, it's discovering that you're bisexual.

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How do you become friends with a bisexual that denied you?

you dont.