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Q: What age in Virginia can a child of divorced parents decide they want to stop visitation with their out of state father?
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Can grandparents demand visitation while custody is pending?

Grandparent or anyone else can never demand visitation, it is up to the parents to decide. The grandparents can in some states go to court to get visitation rights but the court will also listen to the parents.

How old do you have to be to decide who you live with if your parents are divorced in RI and Mass?

It depends on the circumstances.

If parents are divorced which parent can can claim a dependent child?

it depends usually they have a judge decide it

Can a 13 year old decide to not go to the non residential parents for visitation?

Yes I think so. It should be their choice.

What rights do grandparents have in oregon to visit their grandchildren and have them stay the week-end with them?

Legally you have no such rights like visitation rights like parents have so if the parents/guardian is denying access you can go to court. Contact Grandparents Association. Courts will decide if you can put forward any motions to visitation.

May a child of divorced parents with 50 50 custody rights decide which parent to live with?

The child can suggest perhaps, but the final decision rests with the couple and the judge. What usually happens is that couples will have Joint Legal Custody, but one parent or the other will have Primary Custody, leaving the other with Visitation Rights.

What rights does a thirteen year old have regarding wanting nothing to do with her father?

In most states the minor under age 14 cannot chose to see or not see said parent. Especially if parents are divorced and have either joint custody or some type of visitation worked out in the court order. However if daughter is under full custody of mother and does not wish to see the father and no visitation rights have been rewarded to the father the daughter does not have to see him. Most time the courts will decide visitation rights and so forth.

Can a 15 year old who lives with his dad in PA decide to go live with his mom in GA when his parents divorced in HI and have joint custody?

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Does a child at age 13 have to visit a parent that has visitation rights in Pennsylvania?

Yes if there is a court order it has to be followed. A minor is not allowed to decide unless the parents say he is or when he turns 18.

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced in Virginia?

Any age but your parents have to sign the papers so your parents decide when you can get your ears pierced. I got mine when I was 14. I did it at Claires.

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when can a child of divorced parents in NJ choose to stop seeing a parent she doesn't live with and was abused by this parent as a young child but the court still feels she should see him. how old can she be to decide for herself? when can a child of divorced parents in NJ choose to stop seeing a parent she doesn't live with and was abused by this parent as a young child but the court still feels she should see him. how old can she be to decide for herself?

Can a 16 year old decide which parent they want to live with in the state of Virginia?

No, your parents or the court decides until you are 18.