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Q: What age should a baby be dedicated in the baptist church?
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Can you be baptised Lutheran as a baby then baptised as a baptist as child then get confirmed as a Lutheran as a teenager?

Yes to all three questions. Being baptized in a Baptist church only signifies that you are following Jesus in believers baptism. The Lutheran church is the one to make the final decision about membership in their congregation.

Who is the cousin of virgin Mary and whose baby was presanctified?

The cousin of the Virgin Mary is Elizabeth, and her baby who was presanctified is John the Baptist. John was given this special blessing in the womb and dedicated to a life of preparing the way for Jesus.

Why do priests tell you that your baby is a Bastard if you weren't married in a Catholic church?

While the church does not recognize a marriage of Catholics outside of the church to be a valid sacramental marriage, it does recognize civil marriages outside of the church to be valid. No priest should ever tell you that your baby is illegitimate.

Where did Baptist come from?

Roger Williams brung baptist into America from Europe. The reasons why people are baptist, Methodist, Catholic etc. is because there ancestors was. For African Americans they are in the denomination they are in because there ancestors slave owners was that. In the Jungle of Africa there was no Baptist nor Methodist nor any other type denomination. The more powerful tribes sold the weaker tribes to the White man and the slaves of the White Man went to church with there slave owners. The Black Slaves were always to loud so the White Slave Owner gave the slaves a piece of land and they builded a church on it. Slaves named the church after their Slave Owner because he gave them the land, that is how u get your church names Perry-Grove Baptist, Thompson Baptist Church, Timberland Baptist, Because the Perry-Grove's gave them the Land, the Thompson family gave them the land, the Timberland's gabe them the land.

What baby leaped in his mother's womb when he head the sound of Mary's voice?

The baby who would become "John the Baptist". Mary was visiting his aunt Elizabeth. John the Baptist was born about 5 months before Mary had Jesus, the Christ.

What happens when the baby is Baptist?

The baby gets a new life and becomes Gods child and is now been born again of a Gods family

What baby boy survived king herod killing of baby boys?

Jesus. John the Baptist also survived as he and Jesus were about the same age.

Would god allow or even want a baby girl dedicated to him?


What does holy infant mean?

Holy - sacred or dedicated to a religious purposeInfant - a baby

Do baptist raise spirits on Christmas?

they can do when a baby is born however it is normally priests that people think of

Can you baptise your child Catholic and greek orthodox?

A baby only needs baptized once. You should pick which church you "mostly" like and have the baptism there. You might arrange an acknowledgement service at the other church.