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During Asthma attacks, the bronchi narrow. The bronchi connect your trachea and bronchioles, which lead to your alveoli.

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Q: What airways close during asthma attacks?
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A person whom is having asthma attack while some one is physically choking them can they die?

asthma can kill you when your airways close up and don't re-open. the lugs could also close preventing the person from breathing. this is called an asthma attack. but it does not always kill people.

Can allergies lead to asthma?

Some studies have shown that people with asthma are more likely to suffer panic attacks. Having asthma was linked to a 4.5-fold increase in the risk of developing panic disorder, a condition characterized by repeated, unexplained panic attacks. And people with panic disorder were six times as likely as people without the anxiety condition to develop asthma over the 20 year follow-up period.The asthma link was much stronger among people who had panic disorder than in those who had infrequent panic attacks. Smokers and those with a family history of allergies were also at increased risk. Smoking is known to exacerbate both asthma and panic disorder."Asthma is a very frightening condition to have," says Mike Thomas, MD. "When you repeatedly have episodes where you are fighting for breath it is not a great leap to think that that might push you toward a formal anxiety disorder if you are vulnerable."

How can you control your asthma during and attack?

If you are having an attack, rate if from 1-10, 1 being barely and 10 being extreme. 3 and up means you need to go to the emergency room. 5 and up means you should call 911. You cannot control your asthma during an attack, you must go to the hospital or you could possibly suffer/die from anesthetic shock or your throat could swell up and possible close. Never doubt the seriousness of an Asthma attack. I remember when I was 4, I was in a hot tub at a water park, and turned blue. I went into an anesthetic shock. Asthma attacks are very frightening and may cause you to go into a panic attack.

How does asthma effect your body temperature?

When the temperature drops, your asthma symptoms may get worse. Cooler air can dry out the tissues in your airways, making them more sensitive and likely to close up. A scarf wrapped loosely over your lower face will help warm the air before you inhale it. So will breathing through your nose rather than your mouth

You Could Have Asthma...?

Asthma is a chronic condition that inflames the airways, making them narrow and making breathing a difficult task. Asthma is a condition that affects millions of humans everywhere, and the effects can range from mild to severe. Most people with asthma are diagnosed early in life because the signs are evident in exercise and illness. Nearly 12% of all children in America suffer from asthma. Causes and Triggers There are certain household issues that can cause and trigger asthma. Mold, mildew, and dust can cause asthma in young children. Therefore, if you live close to a watery area such as the beach, you should do the best you can to keep your home clean. Dusting and allowing your home to air out frequently will also help prevent asthma in young children. Asthma Symptoms If you are struggling with coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, then you may be asthmatic. These are some of the common symptoms that plague individuals with asthma. You could suffer from trouble sleeping, feeling tired, and constant cold symptoms as well. These are signs of asthma as well. You may not suffer from all of these symptoms at once, but you could still have the disease. Sometimes, these symptoms may surface and disappear for an extended period of time. You may have a severe attack and experience no other symptoms for a while. Some uncommon symptoms of asthma include anxiety, fatigue, trouble exercising, and difficulty sleeping. In any case, make sure you see your doctor at the first sign of asthma. Most symptoms of asthma can be alleviated with the use of an inhaler. Asthma Attacks You may be having an attack, but unaware of the signs of such. In asthma attack, you may experience severe wheezing, constant coughing, chest pain, blue lips, and difficulty talking. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you need to go to the hospital immediately. Asthma attacks can be deadly if not handled in proper time. Asthma, like all chronic conditions, should not be taken lightly. You should go talk to your doctor or an asthma doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

How much profit did british airways make in 2008?

Close to 900 million pounds.

What does A stand for in warhammer 40k?

Presuming that by 'A' you arereferringto the model characteristics/attributes. 'A' is the number of attacks that the model may make in close combat during the respective phase.

If a unit in Warhammer 40k has an Attack of 2 does that count in Ranged attacks?

No, the "Attacks" attribute only indicates the base number of attacks in close combat.

How long time does it take a plane from Perth to Romania or close?

With Qatar Airways: 20 hours.

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What do hippos eat in the Savannah?

yes they do because when a animal gets close to it i attacks

Who does asthma affect you when you play sports?

Asthma effects you when you play sports because the Bronchi is very sensitive and can cause irritating in the lungs, this causes loss of breath and maybe vomiting which will effect how long you can last in sports before your too out of breath.