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when you are at a state of getting over most of the symptoms you had endured it is best to stay away but if you can get that monkey off you back, don't drink anything over 5.5%

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Q: What alcohol can you drink after being sick?
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What herbs make you sick if you drink alcohol?

There apparently are no such herbs.

Can you drink alcohol when you are sick?

Alcohol thins the blood and causes dehydration, hydration and fluid intake is important to a successful recovery when you are sick. So, to answer the question, yes you CAN drink, but you shouldn't, it will extend how long it takes to recover.

If you are sick can you drink alcohol?

Looks like you've already been drinking.

How many children drink alcohol every day?

0 children drink alcohol but in medicine there is alcohol so children drink alcohol when they are sick.

What happens when you drink alchohol?

Do you mean rubbing alcohol? If so, you will become very sick.

Can sprite and vodka make your heart rate go up and get sick?

Alcohol is a depressant, so it doesn't usually raise your pulse. Alcohol does often make people sick. Adding soda to your liquor makes it easier for you to drink faster and increases the odds that you will drink until you get sick.

What do you not drink while being sick?

Orange juice

What could cause you to be unable to drink any alcohol without feeling sick to your stomach?

You could be unable to not drink because you didn't feel that you could go without not feeling sick or not sick, depending on the amount of alcohol that you did or didn't drink while feeling well enough to drink but may or may not have decided to not be unable to without feeling one way or the other. I hope this wasn't the most unclear answer for you.

Can kids drink Henry's hard soda?

No because kids will get sick and die Kids should not drink any kind of hard drink, i.e. a drink containing alcohol. It can impair brain development, and furthermore it is illegal to serve alcohol to a minor.

Is it ok to drink alcohol with no dose caffeine pills?

not unless you want a heartattack. that will make you sick also.

How much alcohol can a dog drink safely?

None dogs can get very sick from drinking peroxide

What happen if you drink a little rubbing alcohol how much will kill you?

if you are lucky you will get sick, if you are not lucky you will die, its poison....